Ryback: Flop or Future Star

As of this writing I have seen over the last few months that Vince is behind pushing Ryback to possible Main Event status. Weather he will get over being pushed or not Vince wants to do it and the push will start with a feud between Ryback and Miz over the IC title. At least Vince isn't going to force him down our throats like he has had done with so many other guys before this. The one problem I seen with this that if Vince plans to push Ryback up the card I think he has shown weakness to the wrong talent as he has shown weakness with people that most think of as jobbers. Because in some fans eyes they seen Ryback getting beat up by a guy in the low-card per say they may not be able to buy into the idea Ryback would be able to beat guys in the Main Event because of how they booked him. One other problem I could see hampering this is if they don't allow Ryback to lose even if a feud/match permits it by that I mean if the match needs him to lose to continue the feud then he should. Forget about making him the second coming of Goldberg why not make him the first Ryback. Him being unbeaten fine, one word catchphrases good, Feed Me More great, but the length of the Streak per say it what could make or break Ryback because you dint want him to be see as Overrated. But truthfully I don't think WWE management would care if they made look overrated because that's what they always do either A force them down our threats, B make them Overrated or C both force him down our throats & Overrated. Making him overrated would hurt him because then instead of people disliking him for the purpose of Heel/Face they'll dislike him because he is Overrated. Food for thought on this situation with Vince still picking the future stars for now till he steps down.


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