How I would Book it Part 4...... WCCW 1985-1986

Wrestling Star Wars Show

Manny Fernandez def Chavo Guerrero Sr

Al Perez vs Johnny Mantel (Time Limit)

WCCW Tag Title Match

Terry Taylor & Scott Casey © def Jimmy Garvin & King Kong Bundy

Rip Oliver def “Wild” Bill Irwin

Texas Heavyweight title Grudge Match

Nick Kiniski def Brian Adias ©

Wahoo McDaniel def Baron Von Rasche

Chris Adams vs Gino Hernandez

(Brawl all over the Convention Center resulting in a Count-Out no before Adams whacks Gino w/ a chair)

WCCW Television Title Match

Tully Blanchard vs ©John Tatum (w/ Missy Hyatt)

No Contest Double Pin Fall One Ref said Tully the other said Tatum

Grudge Match: 8 Man Tag Match

Kerry, Kevin, Mike, & Chris def Rude, Kabuki, Lance & Embry (Pringle’s)

With help from returning Fantastics

They revel it was Rude, Embry, & Kabuki who took them out and they want their titles back, they call upon Mike Von Erich to help them get the belts back.
After this show Kevin, Kerry, & Chris go away for a bit
February: 12 shows
Saturday show:  Tully challenges John Tatum to a match for the Television title this inside a Cage one ref there must be a winner at the Parade of Champions in May. Missy says no but then John says this will be your last chance for my belt if I say yes. Tully agrees & then much to the dismay of Missy Tatum does to. Mike Von Erich def Great Kabuki, King Kong Bundy def Oliver, Johnny Mantel loses to Shawn Michaels after a distraction from Perez. Bill 2 weeks show Von Erich’s return
Monday: One Man Gang def Doll & Cox in 2 on 1, Gary is here and says he has found his new client Texas star Scott Casey and he defeats Magic Dragon, Tommy Rogers def Terry Taylor, Suppose to be Chris Adams & Mike Von Erich vs Gino & Kabuki but Gino Hernandez no shows
Spot Show: Adams & Mantel def Perez & Gino (Gino no shows again** Replaced by Killer Khan who was told to destroy Adams by Gino Hernandez, Mantel gets the win over Perez), Bobby Fulton over Magic Dragon, Kerry Von Erich def Terry Taylor, Scott Casey (w/ Gary Hart) def Norvell Austin, Matt Borne & Frank Dusek def Rip Oliver & Tim Brooks (via DQ after Oliver tried to jab the ref with his taped thumb)
Saturday February 7th 1986 When they see Gino isn’t their again Michael Hayes, Kevin Von Erich, Bill Mercer, & David Manning are sent to look for him they go to Gino’s home with Local authorities because they something is wrong. They find Gino unresponsive in his home and he is pronounced dead before arrival to the Hospital as he Overdosed on Cocaine.
That Show Bill Mercer begins it by breaking the news to the fans that Gino Hernandez has passed away & then to lift the fans sprits it’s announced that Kabuki will defend the Brass Knuckles title vs Mike Von Erich after Mike winning the match 2 weeks ago vs Kabuki.  Jimmy Garvin def Cactus Jack, Punisher loses Bundy, Mantel & Adams vs Khan & Perez No Contest Brawl between Khan & Adams. Oliver pins Dusek & Borne pins Brooks. Tatum is seen in action vs Mr. K (Kelly Kiniski) in which Tatum is victorious. Mike wins the match to get the title. (Bill next week’s show as the return of the Von Erich Boys)
Monday: Tatum defends the TV title with Missy banned from Ringside vs Scott Casey & Pringle’s group Rude, Embry, Lance & Kabuki say if Rogers & Fulton want their belts they can come and get them. Here comes The Fantastics, Mike & Chris Von Erich they say ok let’s do it tonight. Percy Pringle says No since his clients are the champions they decide when they defend the title not you. Al Perez def Chic Donovan, Jimmy Garvin & Kiniski def Adias & Bugsy McGraw (Kiniski pins Adias), Johnny Mantel def Magic Dragon, Chris Adams def Norvell Austin, & Rip Oliver & Tim Brooks def Matt Borne & Frank Dusek. Tatum won (Bill this Saturday as the return of the Kevin & Kerry Von Erich)
Spot Show: Punisher def Cactus Jack, Kabuki vs Mike ends in DQ when Lance & Embry come down to interfere and it’s 3 on 1 till Chris & the Fantastics make the save. Tatum & Khan vs Adams & Fernandez (Manny pins John), Tim Brooks def Frank Dusek, Matt Borne def Rip Oliver, Johnny Mantel loses to Perez. Iceman Parson def Jimmy Jack Funk
Saturday:  Shaun & Steve Simpson def Terry Taylor & Scott Casey (c), Kamala def Frank Dusek, Tim Brooks vs Matt Borne (ends in DQ after Oliver interference), Brian Adias, Bugsy McGraw, & Chris Adams def Jimmy Garvin, Nick Kiniski, Killer Khan. But post match Killer Khan whacks Chris Adams over the head with a chair. Rude cuts a promo about wanting to challenge for the American Heavyweight title since he lost it to Kevin Von Erich he wants it back but then Rogers & Fulton make their way to the ring saying you got the challenge. Out of nowhere out comes Kabuki & Embry who blasts them from behind now it’s 3 on 2, but then outcome Kerry & Kevin with Chris & Mike to help even the sides.  Adias pins Garvin
Monday: I would have the Fantastics & Von Erich boys in the ring to begin saying if Rude, Embry, Kabuki, & Lance want a fight it’s a fight they will get one. & Ted Aridici & Borne def Tim Brooks & Rip Oliver (but Oliver & Brooks attack Borne & Aridici after the match till Ted fights back.) The Fantastics def Dingo Warrior & Jimmy Garvin, Chris Von Erich def Magic Dragon, Rick Rude def Steve Cox, Nick Kiniski def McGraw (w/ Adias)
Also Bill Mercer gives us an update on Adams after chair shot from Khan
Spot Show: Rude def Frank Dusek, Iceman Parsons def Dizzy Hogan, John Tatum (w/ Missy Hyatt) def Johnny Mantel, Al Perez & Jack Victory def Scott Casey & Terry Taylor, Killer Khan def Bill Irwin, One Man Gang def Mr. K, Kamala def Jim Powers, Steve & Shaun Simpson vs Jimmy Garvin & Black Bart (draw).  
Saturday: The show begins with Rude, Kabuki, Pringle, & Embry together in the ring as they speak about the recent events between them, the Von Erich’s & Fantastics. They say we don’t want a fight, you’re the ones that want a fight, because you guys are the ones who are mad that Lance turned his back on you & that we “stole” the 6 man titles. Killer Khan def Johnny Mantel, Ted Aridici def Rip Oliver, Tim Brooks def Matt Borne, Nick Kiniski promo about being the Texas champion & the best Second Generation star in WCCW which Matt Borne doesn’t take to kindly to and he challenges him to a match. Frank Dusek def John Tatum (w/ Missy Hyatt) (Surprise win)
Monday:  Chris Adams returns with a Promo about Killer Khan not soon after he start to talk about Khan, Killer comes out and the fight is on as it goes all over the arena until officials break it up. Matt Borne vs Rip Oliver is made for next week’s show in a Taped Fists Match. Frank Dusek def Dizzy Hogan but after the match he is attack by John Tatum, Eric Embry def Jim Powers, Chris & Kevin Von Erich def Lance & Eric Embry via count-out, Mike Von Erich © def Great Kabuki via DQ, Rick Rude def Tommy Rogers. After the match a Masked Man attacks Tommy Rogers then turns around and whacks Rude.
Spot Show: One Man Gang def Dizzy Hogan, Scott Casey def Jim Powers, Cactus Jack Manson def Mr. K, Matt Borne def Nick Kiniski non title match, Killer Khan & John Tatum def Frank Dusek & Chris Adams (Khan pins Dusek), Eric Embry & Great Kabuki def Mike Von Erich & Bobby Fulton (Embry pins Parsons)


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