How I would Book it Part 3.......... WCCW 1985-1986

First show of the New Year: Monday, I would have Tommy Rogers, Eric Embry, & Bobby Fulton out there and have them all arguing over who won the match for the team. Matches are made for later Kabuki will face Dingo Warrior. Adams & Hernandez continue to fall apart especially after a botched interference from Chris costs Gino the win vs Terry Taylor. At the end of the show I would go to the back and find Fulton & Rogers down and Fulton bleeding. Also I would have Jimmy Garvin vs Scott Casey, and Brian Adias & Bill Irwin vs Nick Kiniski & Black Bart. Bart pins Adias & Garvin beats Casey.
Saturday: leading towards the big show at the end of January: Show starts with Embry saying that when he finds out, who did this to his partners they will pay dearly. Until then he needs to find new tag partners. Percy Pringle comes out with Great Kabuki & Rick Rude which leads to them becoming 6 man tag champs. Matches for this show Brian Adias vs Black Bart for Texas Heavyweight title (Brian has Irwin in his corner and Bart has Kiniski) Embry def Steve Austin. Adams and Hernandez continue to fall apart this week after Gino costs Chris his match vs Terry Taylor. John Tatum (w/ Missy Hyatt) def Kendall Windham, Bart is close to winning but then Kiniski distracts the ref and Bart who gets rolled up by Adias and Black Bart loses.
That Monday and on spot shows I have new guys like Austin, Michaels, Jack, Taker, & Cox fighting to stay sharp. Also I would have some vets like Adams, Lance, Kerry, Kevin, & Gino helping them but also on the spot shows. I can’t forget the backups or the guys loyal to the company like Casey, Perez, Tatum, Embry, Parsons (who just came-back)
Next Saturday: Black Bart wants Kiniski to explain himself he does by saying if anyone will beat Adias for the Texas Heavyweight title it will be me and I will do it January 31st at Wrestling Star Wars. The Show: Adams & Hernandez vs Taylor & Casey where it will end but with Gino turning on Chris and leaving. Tully Blanchard is back for the first time and he has a ref who looks like Tommy Young from Mid Atlantic. He says he wants a rematch vs Tatum for the gold but this he will fight him with a ref from Mid Atlantic because after what happened at Christmas Stars Wars I don’t trust WCCW Ref’s. Tatum is out and he says it won’t matter because either way he will win because he is better but he Tully wants to lose again he’s got no problem with that. On that show also Adias fights Kiniski but it ends when Black Bart comes out and costs Kiniski the match just like Kiniski did to him and a brawl breaks out. Kerry Von Erich faces Rick Rude in a Pose Down but once Kerry wins by Fans votes he gets attacked by Rude, Embry, & Kabuki. Then out comes the other Von Erich boys including Kevin, Mike, Lance, Chris until Lance turns and blasts Kevin in the back that leads to Rick, Kabuki, & Embry getting back in the ring to get the 4 on 4 advantage.
Spot Show: Kevin & Kerry beat Kabuki & Rude, Borne def Koko Ware, Reed def Taylor; Kiniski vs Bart (draw), Nord The Barbarian (Special Appearance) def Al Perez, Gino def Casey, & Michaels lost to Adams, Lance def Chris Von Erich
2 weeks before the Wrestling Star Wars: Tag Team Tournament for Vacated WCCW Tag Titles which vacated begins tonight. Taylor & Casey vs Reed & Ware, Bill Irwin vs Black Bart, Mike vs Kabuki, Adams & Kevin Von Erich vs Gino Hernandez & Bundy, Adias vs Kiniski Grudge match made for the big show. Reed & Ware advance in the tournament after Gino distracts Taylor costing him the match then Taylor does the same to Gino later in the show; Irwin pins Bart, & Kabuki beats Mike.
Spot Show: Rude vs Kevin (Draw or DDQ), Kiniski def Irwin, Adias def Bart, Kabuki def Adams to retain title, Bundy def Austin, Perez def Michaels, and Borne & Cox def Oliver & Victory
On Monday I would have Tatum defending the TV title vs Manny Fernandez a guy sent by Tully to try an soften him up for the 31st. Also that night Adams & Von Erich fought Taylor & Casey in the tag tournament but Adams & Kevin come up short as once again Gino costs Chris the match. Then the match is made for Wrestling Star Wars Gino Hernandez vs Chris Adams. Al Perez def Steve Cox & Manny comes up short vs Tatum.
Saturday: last one before Wrestling Star Wars will continue the tag tournament with Taylor & Casey vs Borne & Cox (who qualified on a spot show which be brought up by announcer). Also tonight Blackjack Mulligan would be in town to do a favor for Tully like Manny was on Monday to soften up John Tatum. Kabuki beats Kerry; Mike beats Embry, Rude def Chris, Garvin def Irwin, Al Perez vs Brian Adias to a DDQ. Tatum gets counted out in his match vs Blackjack Mulligan, Taylor & Casey win the Tag titles beating Borne & Cox. Von Erich’s cut the promo on how Lance was never a member of the family but they took him in anyway and he stab them in the back it won’t go unpunished.
Separate Post
I have been doing the Monday night show & house shows the entire time I just wasn’t writing them in on the posts. But in 1986 I have started and will continue ideas seem to flow better with them down rather than without them
Spot Show: Fantastics def Borne & Cox, Kabuki def Buddy, Tatum def Steve Doll, Manny Fernandez def Al Perez, Gino Hernandez def Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels lost to Black Bart, Brian Adias def Rip Oliver via DQ
Monday before Wrestling Star Wars show: Parsons def Garvin, Kabuki def Chris Von Erich to retain the Brass Knuckles title, Kiniski def Black Bart, Oliver vs Bill Irwin DDQ. Al Perez def Steve Doll, Johnny Mantel def Koko Ware (which will be Koko’s last match in WCCW before leaving for Vince) Tatum comes out with Missy, he talks about how he will embarrasses Tully on Friday whether he has a ref from Mid Atlantic, Portland, New York it doesn’t matter I will keep my title and send Tully back to the Carolinas with less of ego then when he came here.



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