WWE What Could Happen

I apologize for not being able to find the original post on WZRonline.com but I did read that a new thing set forward by Triple H is that champions will hold the belts longer they used to. Which is good right in my opinion how they are doing isn't good because its to big of a change. What I mean is basically WWE goes from not keeping the titles on people for long enough to keeping it on people for to long. People are turning on Punk not because they are tired of him but it's because WWE kept him a champion to long. For those who know you might be like well TNA did it with Bobby Roode as he was their champion for over 200 days and that's true, but TNA can get away with because more people are fans of WWE & watch it every week then TNA. Therefore TNA has a smaller market to appeal so they don't need to do title changes every other they can make them special. WWE is different if they want to bring back the principal of people holding titles for a long time do it slow not spontaneously like they have been. Two guys that come to mind that should lose their titles are Punk and Santino as both have kept their belt for to long. Santino should been a transition champion to another Mid-Card guy like a McGillicutty, Gabriel, Kidd, even an Ambrose or a Rollins when they come up. Punk on the other should have kept the title for a while because he deserved it but in my mind should have dropped it back in May to Bryan and then maybe have him win back in August from Bryan. Because in my mind if someone is good enough to hold a title they are good enough to win it back. Same thing with the other titles maybe give the mid card champion a decent 3 or 4 month reign then make a new champion but then with World titles the reign shouldn't be less then 5 months. Unless of course it's transition champion then 2 or 3 months is good but for a regular no less then 5 months so they get the most out of holding the belt and maybe a new star. Ask for the Divas & Tag Team doesn't really matter how long those guys hold the titles not many really care about the division so you can get away with how ever long of a reign you want.

That's what I think what you think leave a comment tell me if you agree or disagree and why you feel how you do. Thanks till next time


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