How I would book it.... Drew McIntyre's Push Part 1

I would begin his push in 2010 which is a month into his title reign and his feud with John Morrison was still going on over the IC title. I would end that feud before the Rumble like they did having the NO DQ match with Drew winning. Then I would make Drew come the Smackdown after the Rumble and say even though he didn't win the Rumble he is still IC champion. Out comes Finlay who says we can change that & challenges Drew to a match for the title. McIntyre declines as he says Finlay isn't in his league and has done nothing to deserve a shot at him if he wants it he has to earn it. This leads to a brief feud between these two over the belt as they move towards Elimination Chamber. The match is made official 9 days before the show a Belfast Brawl for the IC title Finlay vs. McIntyre. McIntyre wins after hitting Finlay with a Future Shock DDT on the floor to retain the title. Next day on RAW the US champion Miz is put in 4 way for his title by the GM and he wins. Not to be out done Teddy Long books McIntyre in a Triple Threat Match vs. Kane & Finlay for the title. But Drew just walks out on the match and loses via Count-out but keeps the belt. Next Week its announced that if Drew McIntyre wants into the Money in the Bank he has to defend his IC title both Finlay & Kane in two separate match one this week & one next if he wins both then he is in MITB if not he isn't. Also he loses his championship if he doesn't win both the matches. That night he faces Kane and beats him via Count out after he sent Kane into the turnbuckle then over the barricade. Next week he faces Finlay and wins but after the match to make a statement to those in MITB he attacks and injures Finlay by Future Shocking him on the Steel Steps. The usual hype for the MITB as we build to Mania and the people didnt know this but Drew starts his next feud with ECW Star Christian. They trade wins with each other as we near Mania but 9 days before Drew attacks Christian backstage. This leads to Teddy making a Lumberjack match on Smackdown Drew vs. Christian non-title with Money in the Bank participants as the Lumberjacks. This match however ends in a No Contest as the lumberjacks come in to the ring and a big brawl breaks out. At Mania Drew comes close but Swagger wins like in real life. His feud with Christian continues as they have another match the show after Mania Christian wins & gets a title shot next week. Christian wins the title but doesn't keep as Drew's foot was under the bottom rope which leads to Drew attacking Christian and taking back the belt.
Next Smackdown McIntyre shows up with a letter from Vince notifying Teddy Long that the Title lose from last week is null and void because of Ref incompetence. So Drew is still champion, but then Long makes the match McIntyre vs. Christian for Backlash for the title if Christian loses he doesn’t another chance for the title as long as Drew is champ. During the match Drew is trying to get Christian DQ'ED but nothing is working then after Christian kicked out of the Future Shock, McIntyre got himself DQ. The feud continues this time Teddy making stipulations that if Drew gets DQed or Counted out then he loses the belt. Drew finally beats Christian and then next week begins his feud vs. Kofi Kingston. Over the course of the next few weeks Drew establishes a partnership with new World Champion Jack Swagger who is having his hands full with Edge, and leading into Fatal 4 Way Drew & Swagger team up against Kofi & Edge but come up short. But a big comes when Drew beats Edge the week before Fatal 4 Way, which kicks Edge out of the match as he lost the week before to Jericho. Now we go to Fatal 4 way where McIntyre loses the IC title to Kofi after a distraction from Edge.
That next Smackdown Drew cuts a promo on Edge saying he was jealous because he knew that Drew had become a better Intercontinental champion then he ever was. Edge comes out and says no calls him delusional, bitter, makes a joke about his accent. This leads to a tag match between Kofi & Edge vs. Drew & Swagger. Only this time Swagger pins Kofi & it’s made next week Kofi vs. Drew for the Intercontinental title in Drew's rematch.
To Be Continued: Drew's title rematch does he get the title back & how does his feud with Edge turn out. Will the Chosen One become World Champion before the year is up find out as I finish the year on the next edition of How I would book it.... Drew McIntyre's Push.


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