Week News

On Impact last night we saw that the 87%'ers were represented again but this time it was the leader of the 87% movement Joey Ryan. As he punched out Gut Check Judge Al Snow during the the Gut Check match last night which enraged Snow to the point where he said Ryan has his attention. Right now the only thing I know about this is that it's suppose to be happening but Ryan isnt employeed by TNA. So in my opinion it's only a matter of time before someone poses the question Who Wants A Mustache Ride?

Randy Orton's 60 day suspension will come to an end on Sunday which means he will be able to appear on Raw the next night. Orton was suspended back in May for violating the Wellness policy for the second time. One more time Randy has to be fired as the rules of the Policy say 3 strikes your out.

The big Summer Angle that the has been talking about for a few weeks did in fact begin this past Monday as the angle is Punk's Heel Turn. I think this was along time coming because he was getting a little to genric as face & i think he could be one of if not the best heel WWE has on the roster.

Last but not least here is the updated Standings for the BFG Series:
1, Samoa Joe – 47 points [5-3-0] – 8 matches
2. James Storm – 43 points [4-1-1] – 6 matches
3. Mr. Anderson – 30 points [4-3-1 - 8 matches
4. Jeff Hardy - 28 points [4-3-0] – 7 matches
5. Kurt Angle – 27 points [3-3-0] – 6 matches
6. Rob Van Dam – 21 points [3-3-0] – 6 matches
7. Daniels – 19 points [3-3-0] – 6 matches
8. Magnus – 14 points [2-4-0] – 6 matches
8t. A.J. Styles – 14 points [2-3-0] – 5 matches
10t. The Pope – 7 points [1-5-0] – 6 matches
10t. Bully Ray – 7 points [1-3-0] – 4 matches
12. Robbie E. – 5 points [1-7-0] – 8 matches


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