TNA Rebuilding

Backstage officals at TNA has said that they hope the improving the quality of the product will bring some fans back. It should bring them sure it will take a while to develop the fans trust again because of all the bad & the poor quality of shows over the last 2 years. To me it seems that TNA has really found it and I don't think they will be losing it as he it seems as though they have finally learned Old still doesnt work. Also that just because it worked once with those people doesnt mean it will work again with the same guys 10 to 15 years later. This is the time that TNA needs the fans more then ever because of what is happening with Direct TV & Viacom. Which is hurting TNA because their product is finally getting good and half their usual auidence cant watch because Direct TV blacked out any all Viacom stations while they settle the contract dispute of sorts.
I am even planning to watch TNA which is a big deal because I haven't seen an episode of TNA in almost probably 5-6 months but the product is a lot better which has changed my view. I am not saying they have my loyalty because right now no promotion does as all have their weakness. I am aware I've been expressing my opinion a lot in this post which is something i dont usually do but it fits now because I honestly believe that if TNA gets off their streak again the result will be bad. Like it could lead to the end as you can only lose and gain the trust of the fans so often before you can't get it back again.


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