How I would book it..... Drew McIntyre's Push Part 2

Next Smackdown, McIntyre will fight Kofi for the IC title in his rematch and Edge fights Jack Swagger. On the show Kofi beats decisively to end the feud between the two but in Main Event Drew costs Edge his match Swagger. Which would have given Edge his chance at Jack's world title at Money in the Bank.
Next Week, Drew declares his intention to enter the Money in the Bank and win to become the next World Champion. Teddy is out and tells Drew he has to qualify for the match, he just can't put himself in it so tonight McIntyre will face Kofi Kingston in a Money in the Bank qualifier. Also Edge is put in a MITB qualifier vs Cody Rhodes. Both Edge & McIntyre win their qualifiers to get into Money in the Bank. 9 Days before Money in the Bank, Christian becomes the final member of the Money in the Bank Ladder match next Sunday. The Main Event that night is 6 Man Tag Match, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, & Drew McIntyre vs Edge, Hardy, & Mysterio (#1 contender for Swagger's title). To end the match Ziggler & McIntyre are off fighting Hardy & Edge which leads to Rey pinning Swagger now he holds a win over the champion 9 days before the ppv. The last Smackdown before Money in the Bank, I would have all the participants in the Money in Bank having a face off in the ring which leads to a big brawl & some people attempting to climb the ladder. At Money in the Bank, Kane wins cashes it in against Swagger that night to win the belt. The feud continues between Drew & Edge as Drew was up there but Edge knocked him down then got taken out by Kane.
Next Smackdown: Drew is out saying he was close to winning MITB and would have done what Kane to become the first Scottish World Champion. This brings out Edge who asks is complaining the only thing that McIntyre knows how to do he lost face it no matter what he says he lost. Drew says he is tired of Edge and challenges him to a match tonight. Edge wins after a botched interference from Swagger which causes Drew to lose. This leads to an argument between Swagger & McIntyre which look to be heated but this brings out Cody who calms things down. Next week, the show starts with Drew, Swagger, & Cody in the ring saying they are tired of being held down by the veterans in this company. Swagger talks about Jericho, Show, & Edge, then Cody adds Orton, Cena, & Mysterio & Drew continues about Edge. Teddy is out and books a 6 man tag match for SummerSlam with Edge, Mysterio, & Orton vs Cody, Swagger, & McIntyre. McIntyre & Rhodes def Finlay & Morrison, also that night Swagger finally loses to Edge but Edge is caught in 3 on 1 attack after the match until Orton & Mysterio come tothe rescue. Next Week the other side cuts a promo on the young talent. Then the week before Summerslam their is a faceoff between both teams you can feel the tension. At the ppv Ziggler beats Kofi for IC title & McIntyre pins Edge in the match as the heels win. The Nexus 10 man tag doesnt happen in my this as I think that match was the begining of the end for the Nexus. In a later post I will explain why.
A match between Edge and Drew is made for Night of Champions next month on Pay-Paper View. Both men use their promo skills to hype this match and a pick poison is made half way to Nigh of Champions. Both men have major momentum going into the PPV at which Drew wins the match and the feud as he injures Edge like he did to Finlay months ago. He did it by hitting the Future Shock ddt on the floor. Next week he talks about how good it feels to have Edge off his back and that he can say he beat a former World Champion then challenges Kane to a match that night for the gold but loses. During this feud Edge is on RAW but appears on Smackdown for the feud as a guest of Teddy's. Next week he decimate Trent Baretta and then says that if Edge can compete on Smackdown and lose then he can go to RAW.
That Monday he shows up on RAW attacking Orton who is the WWE champion this sets up a match at Night of Champions between Drew vs Orton. McIntyre is close to winning but then is attacked by a masked man who hoped the rail, he revels himself to be the returning Edge. This leads to a match between Edge and Drew the next night and if Edge wins its Triple Threat Match at Bragging Rights for the gold if he loses its one on one. Edge wins & it leads to a Triple Threat at Bragging Rights for the WWE title. 2 weeks before the show Edge & Orton vs Drew & Wade Barrett in a tag match which the faces win but dont trust each other. At Bragging Rights Drew wins by sending Edge to the outside & pinning Randy after a spear from Edge. Drew wins the WWE title and suessfully defends it on RAW vs Orton, at Survivor Series vs Edge, on RAW vs Sheamus, & at TLC vs Cena, Orton, & Swagger (who wanted revenge on Drew for walking out on him and Cody) but Drew wins the match keeps the belt until Royal Rumble losing it to Rey Mysterio (who was traded to RAW for Edge). Then Drew starts a feud with Orton because he feels Randy has been on top for to long and wants to do something about it but the feud ends to soon as Randy is drafted to Smackdown but Randy wins the feud. Then he feuds with Alex Riley as I would attempt to have Drew pull Alex up to the Main Event as to get a fresh face at the Main Event. It kind of works but not that well then he begins to feud with Cena over the title but doesnt win it. Then he wins the US title from old rival Kofi Kingston and doesnt win the World title again until early 2012.

Thank You for reading How I would have booked a Drew McIntyre push which is something I feel he deserves as he is very talented. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as i did writing it till next time. Also if they this then they would have plenty of new faces for the Main Event something they are in desperate need for now a days.


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