How I Would Book It 1

I know that I just did reintroduced it yesterday but I just want to start right away. Like said I will always include background well hear it is. I decide to take you back to last year June 27 2011 which was a Monday and then night that Punk did the worked shoot which set the world on fire. But after winning the world title at Money in the Bank, Punk left WWE then cameback 2 weeks later. An angle that could have been very profitable for WWE turns out to be some what of a flop. Here is how I would have booked it starting from Money in the Bank. Monday Night Raw the night after Money in the Bank, I would have Vince announce a tournament next week to determine the New WWE Champion. Also on the show I would Vince change his mind with firing Cena instead I would have Vince tell Cena to go home for a couple and rest up. Over the next week Punk is putting up different videos on the internet saying that no matter who the champion is he is still the WWE Champ. Then next Monday, Punk is on a late night talk show put over the fact that this isnt a work and he really did leave WWE. Also have him say they are begging me to either give them back the title or to comeback but i told them I am champion I beat your top guy, if you dont like it to bad. That night on RAW Rey Mysterio wins the title beating Del Rio in the final of the tournament. No, mention of Punk is made on the broadcast or anything regarding his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel.
During the next week a picture surfaces on the internet with Punk & a couple Chicago Cubs who are posing with the World Title caption says Real World Champions. I would then on RAW have Mysterio say he would never put WWE or Vince in position like someone else who will remain namless has. This boos and then it is announced that Mysterio will team with Riley vs Miz & Del Rio tonight. It is also announced that Miz will face Tyson Kidd next week & Del Rio will face Kofi Kingston, if Miz wins he gets the title shot at SS but if Del Rio wins he does. Another video surfaces on the internet this of Punk at an AAW show in Chicago putting over Gregory Iron and the promotion Colt Cabana. Then a few days later Punk shows up at Comic Con and speaks is mind on the WWE booth that is there. On Raw Miz loses to Kidd after a distraction from Del Rio & Del Rio loses to Kingston after a distraction from Miz so nobody get the shot is what the face are left thinking. Rumors start swerling on Twitter that Punk will be in LA on the 15 which is the night of Summerslam and the same place they are having it. Also Punk posts a picture on Twitter saying look what i have with the WWE title in his Fridge. This next show is the show before Summerslam and we dont know who is facing Rey at the ppv. Vince is there and says he has a surprise for Mysterio who his opponent will be but as he is about say it the NWO music begins to play but then the show ends.
Prior to Summerslam a video has surfaced on the internet of Punk, Cabana, Steel, & others going into the arena in which Summerslam is being held and they are buying tickets not front row seats though. Also worth noting both Bryan & Del Rio hold MITB cases even though Del Rio has gotten numerous world title shots. During the show it cuts backstage were we Vince being told something by a guard and it makes him get pissed. Main Event turns out to be Mysterio vs the returning John Cena for the title. Of course Cena wins but this brings Punk and friend out of their seats down to ringside but before he could hope the rail 3 sercurity guards & Ace Steel restraind him even though Cena was taunting him telling them to let him come over the rail. But no matter how much Cena or the fans wanted to see it Punk wasnt able to get at Cena. Because Vince was there to make sure of it and told John to go backstage. Next day on RAW Cena isnt out till the end show and he says "he was told by Vince to prentend what happend last night with a former employee didnt happend." But he knows Punk is in the arena and wants him to come down to the ring. Punk is in the stands he and Colt make their way down to the ringside, but are stop once again by Security and the NWO music goes again this time Nash shows up stage. The show goes black right there so nobody knows why Nash is here.


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