Background: How I would book it...... Build Up to Money in The Bank 2012

Money in the Bank this year wasnt that bad of a PPV other then some matches and the lack of build for the show I dont think it was that bad. But in my eyes the build to it could have been better so thats what I am going to do. I am going to show how I would have booked the build up to the Money in The Bank ppv from this year. When I would start the build to the ppv, when I would begin hyping the the matches & what matches would be on the show. I will be doing it all here to show I how I would have booked it and what I would have done with the PPV. Below is the real card and an asterisk is mark next to what I would change. Double asterisk I would change the match like this ** but a single asterisk I would just change a particpant. How I would book it portion of this will come in a day or two.

Pre-ShowKofi Kingston and R-Truth defeated Hunico and CamachoTag team match**
1Dolph Ziggler (with Vickie Guerrero) defeated Damien Sandow, Tyson Kidd, Christian, Santino Marella, Tensai (with Sakamoto), Cody Rhodes and Sin CaraMoney in the Bank Ladder Match for a World Heavyweight Championship Contract*
2Sheamus (c) defeated Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship
3Primo and Epico (with Rosa Mendes) defeated Prime Time Players (Titus O'Neil and Darren Young) (with A.W.)Tag team match**
4CM Punk (c) defeated Daniel BryanNo Disqualification Match for the WWE Championship with AJ as special guest referee
5Ryback defeated Curt Hawkins and Tyler ReksHandicap match**
6Layla, Kaitlyn, and Tamina Snuka defeated Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and Eve TorresSix Divas Tag team match**
7John Cena defeated Kane, Chris Jericho, Big Show and The MizMoney in the Bank Ladder Match for a WWE Championship Contract*


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