King's Choice

Yesterday ROH Tag Team champion Kenny King was on TNA Impact as apart of the X-division tournament. Now at most thought Kenny has contract with ROH and were curious how he was able to appear on TV. But his contract that he signed last year expired 11 days ago and has to sign an offical contract with ROH again. As far as I know they had an agreement that Kenny would appear for ROH, & wrestle just for ROH thats big because apart of the agreement was that he wasnt able to wrestle anywhere else. He did as I said even after ROH management said he couldnt compete because of their agreement. Because of the decision Kenny made his future in ROH is in doubt because he violated their agreement which is a big no-no in any company. ROH has all the right to be pissed at Kenny for violating their agreement but how does that make sense that he was able to negotiate with but not wrestle for another company. Also talk is things may have also been changed with the future of Kenny's ANX partner and co-holder of Tag belts Rhett Titus. I guess they think without Kenny, Rhett doesnt have enough upside. Which isnt true because in my opinion over the last 3-4 years not only has Kenny improved in the ring but Rhett has also. In my opinion there is a difference between having an agreement & a contract because one is legally binding the other not. In which case I say that Kenny did the right thing going to TNA even at the expense of ROH because he didnt have a contract with ROH & he also has a Family to feed. Which everyone knows in the Wrestling business family comes first and the backstage talk that I heard that played a part in Kenny's decision.
I will keep you guys up to date on this situation as ROH may have trouble on there hands because King & Titus just won the Tag Belts. Also if TNA was smart then they would pick King up because he is extremely talented and has payed his dues in the business he deserves his chance to make it big.


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