TNA Ace in the Hole

The storyline that is keeping everyone guessing in TNA is the one invovling last time I checked around 12 guys who call themselves Ace's and Eights. Last night on Impact they attacked Angle, Shaw, Roode, & Aries which is making them get heat and making the story get bigger. Also they attacked Sting & Hogan which i think may lead to Hogan & Sting vs A two man varaition of the stable at BFG. Which would hurt the stable more then help it because they would most likely have Hogan & Sting which shouldnt they should have the full time wrestlers be the ones who send the stable back. Because if this storyline that has so much intrigue is an anti climactic & doesnt live up to expectations then it will hurt TNA very badly.
For that reason TNA has to really try hard to the story from failing like many big stories before it, as if it does not telling if they will be able to get the fans interested in the product again. I maybe making a bigger deal out of this story then it should be but I honestly feel this way. Even if they have 2 members of the group lose at BFG but other memebers win then it would over shadow the lose.

If this story fails or ends in a bad way TNA could be very very hurt by it and it may cause un fixable damage to the product & company. I hope it goes well because they deserve it as they are trying to get better and deserve to have a storyline of this magnatude to work for once.
Thats what i think what do you guys think.


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