How I would book it... Finale

Punk posts on Twitter that the WWE offices are calling him telling him to go back on the late night shows & Good Morning America and say he lied that John Cena is champion. He then adds that he said "That if they want him to say Cena is champion then all he has to do is face him at Survivor Series." When they say you’re making a mistake Punk, he just says "you made the mistake not signing me back." That Monday on RAW Rock answers Cena's plea to team with him at Survivor Series to even the sides against Miz & Truth. This is 2 weeks before Survivor Series and Rock is there live to answer John. Near the end of the show they talk about WrestleMania & Rock seems like he will agree to team with Cena then he says I have heard on Twitter and other Media sites there is someone else who wants to face you at Survivor Series so my answer is no because i want you to face Punk. Cena says "he can't because he isn't a WWE employee anymore and needs to drop his grudge against me and this company." Rock calls John a Fruity Pebble freak for not accepting the match and says he isn't afraid of losing at WrestleMania to Rock but is afraid of Punk. John gets out of the ring and walks back up the stage. Rock says as Cena is leaving "If you’re a real man then you will accept Punk's challenge and not be a "Kung POW Bitch."
A fan asks Cena on Twitter if he is going to accept Punks challenge and Cena doesn't respond & then that Wednesday he posts a message that looks like it’s from the office. It says "John Cena is being the loyal employee we all know he is by not mentioning or commenting on the former WWE star Phil Brooks. As Mr. Brooks chose to instead of giving back the Title when he left the company he took it but since he is not an employee therefore he is not the World champion and Cena is. Furthermore anyone to mention Mr. Brooks supposed challenge to Mr. Cena will be blocked and anyone who asks John about anything Mr. Brooks has said will also be blocked. Thank you and please cooperate with this humble request.
On the RAW (which is in Chicago, IL) prior to Survivor Series. Cena is in the ring speaking of the Survivor Series match with Miz & Truth which is Handicap because Rock said no. All the sudden the lights go out and a scramble picture shows up on the titantron. It actually turns out not to be a picture but writing Cult of Personality. Then Punk shows up on the screen fans go crazy he says he has to be quick Cena you won’t be facing Miz & Truth at SS because you are facing me. You can’t be here you’re not an employee.. Punk cuts him off and says quit your corporate bullcrap, I know you want to face me Cena, I can see it on your face. Cena says He doesn’t and Punk should get off the screen before he gets in trouble. I can’t get in trouble they don’t own the arena and plus I am outside not in the arena so I can’t be touched..... all the sudden the titantron goes black and John Laurenitis shows up and says that’s enough. He tells John the Board is tired of the bad mouthing and the interruptions Punk will be getting called to office to discuss a new contract even for one night because you’re facing Punk at SS.
The 6 days before Survivor Series, Punk mentions that Johnny was right that Titan Towers called and asked him to sign a release waiver so he can face Cena on Sunday and then maybe work on a contract he signed the waiver. Survivor Series and the New York Crowd is ruckus & foaming at the mouth for the main event Punk vs. Cena. This match is just as good as the other one and once again Punk wins but then Nash runs in from the crowd and attacks Punk, The next night on RAW we find out someone texted Nash to attack Punk. And for the first time since the RAW before MITB Punk is on the show not in action. Punk jumps to the conclusion that it was COO HHH because of his history with Nash. Two Weeks later Punk calls out Triple H saying he knows it was him who texted Nash to attack him. Triple H denies it and says he has changed he is all for the company and doing good business. This brings out Awesome Truth they say HHH is lying because there is a conspiracy going on in the WWE and it involves Punk, HHH, Cena, Nash, & Johnny. This brings out Nash who tells everyone to shut up and he says he will tell everyone who text him then he points to curtain. It's Stephanie McMahon she says her reasoning is because Punk you’re not a company guy you proved that when you walked out of Chicago with the title back in July. So I had Kevin attack you to try and send you a message we don’t want as champ we being management we want Cena to be champion again because he is the face of WWE not you. The fans don’t agree so Steph says how do you people think he could be the face of this company and since Nash's attack didn’t work hopefully this one will. HHH, Miz, & Truth all attack Punk; But then Colt Cabana & Bryan run in to help Punk. But security blocks Colt but then here comes Sheamus to clear the ring.
This leads to a Match between Punk, Sheamus, & Newly signed Colt Cabana vs. Nash, Truth, & Miz at TLC with Hunter in the booth. Faces win but get attacked after the match by the heels and HHH; Steph is watching on the Ramp. Now going towards Rumble Sheamus challenges Nash & Colt gets Santino to help him to face Miz & Truth. Last but not least Punk challenges Hunter to face him H accepts. Heels win tag match, Nash puts over Sheamus & Punk beats Hunter with help from Cena and to end the show Cena & Punk shake hands.

Out of this Story you push Cena towards heel still make him stay on the line & Sheamus is put over by Nash to help Sheamus. The WWE get a great talent in Colt Cabana. Plus, Punk is established as there top guy to allow (Cena who had some shows off during this) to get time off after Mania. Thank you and I hope you Enjoyed it more to come...


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