1000th RAW Tonight

Over the last month WWE has been promoting the 1000th episode of their flagship show Monday Night Raw on July 23. Which is tonight and over the same amount of time I have been looking back at some of my favorite moments from the last 999 episodes of RAW. Tonight will be the biggest RAW ever with over 30 legends from the past appearing on the show. Which includes: DX, Undertaker, Hart, Rock, Simmons, Piper, Vince & Steph, Austin, Trish & Lita, Duggan, Slaughter, etc. Add that to the possibilites of Bearer, Edge, & Green Day performing on the show RAW 1000 has all the makings of the one of the best RAW's ever. Also how could i forget that Jim Ross, Mick Foley, Sid, Vader, & others will also be on the show.
If I had to wager a guess it would that tonight their will be some form of a Legends Battle Royal with many of the legends from the past like they did at the 900th episode a few years ago. Also they have made a new logo for RAW which will debut on the show tonight you can see it at the bottom of the page. I know RAW has been as good as an A Show for company should be but tonight should make up for the last 2 weeks of bordom and regret. Also I would like to through it out there that not only will Kelly Kelly be returning tonight but also rumors have been flying that Jon Moxley aka Dean Ambrose will finally debut on the main roster tonight. I've to say take the part about Ambrose for what it is and thats a rumor.
I've watched through the good, the bad, & the ugly (Katie Vick Angle), but no matter what happend on the show I still watched next weeks episode. Because, of that mindset I have seen every episode of RAW for the last 7 years not missing an episode. I would like to congraulate everyone in the WWE for the landmark show tonight as even though they may not think they a PRO WRESTLING COMPANY they are and they still are a good one.

WWE Reveals New RAW Logo For Tonight (Pic) + Nash/RAW


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