Bourne Again Hopefully

After almost a year out of WWE because of Suspension & injury Evan Bourne at last word should be returning to WWE in a few weeks. Evan last year won the Tag Titles with Kofi Kingston which was his first title reign in the WWE where he has been since being signed in 2007. Unfortunately Evan & Kofi's title run was cut short after being suspended for 30 days after breaking company's wellness policy. Then I believe a week after Bourne came back he got suspended again and people began to think Evan will not be coming back from this suspension and will get fired. But he it never came however unfortunately for Bourne he severely injured his leg while suspended and that is what still keeps him out right now. But like Wade Barrett, Evan Bourne will be coming back soon and will give WWE some much needed depth & a fresh face to play with.
I also think it may benefit WWE to have Evan think about coming back as a heel to give them a new heel to play with as well because as the old saying goes fresh face means new feuds. No I don't anything about them maybe turning them heel, but if I had to guess then it would Bourne comes back as Face doing the same stuff he did before he left.

Evan Bourne Return Update, Hell In A Cell Update, Foley/Sheamus


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