WWE Rant

On Sunday probably the ppv with the high expectations because of how good last years ppv was happens I am talking about Money in the Bank. Last Night WWE had RAW or aka the last one before MITB this Sunday and the show was real bad. By the way their is no way they should have gotten a 3.2 rating I mean I have seen TNA shows better then the RAW last night. Maybe one match was over 5 minutes tops. Also they only hyped really one story through the entire show and that was the WWE title match or the love triangle between AJ, Punk, & Bryan which should in my opinion be second to the World title. How does it sound that a Diva is more over then your mid-card champions and the Money in Bank match as a whole. I mean who in their right mind thought a 9 person Money in the Bank would work especially when you have a 4 person Money in the Bank for the other one. In my opinion shouldn't it be the other way around maybe because the way they make it seem is that there is more competition for Sheamus's belt then Punk's when Punk has held the title a lot longer. They should have had 12 or 16 people apart of Money in the Bank in total, by that i mean 8 people in each match. I don't understand why change what worked last year's had 8 guys in it and both were really good matches.
Also I know some matches are more important then the other like the WWE/World title matches should have top priority over the other matches. Also you have 4 hours of TV time every week to hype ppv's and that should be enough time to get every match the hype it needs. I mean look at the RAW Money in the Bank for WWE title last night the only people they had make a statement are Show & Cena. When that could put doubt in people's heads that Jericho or Kane will win and that since Cena was the one who stood tall he is going to win. I am just trying to think how a casual fan might view Raw. Especially with TNA's shows/ppv's getting better once again putting pressure on WWE they lost it and made it seem like the 1000th episode is more important then the fact a PPV is this weekend. The same PPV that last year featured the Match of the Year Punk vs Cena for the World title. Yet WWE doesn't hype it enough or play off last years success at all go figure here I thought it would be a no brainer but I don't work for them I am just a fan. Even though I probably have seen more matches and no more about what happens backstage then the people on Vince's creative team. But that's for another Rant; back to this one their is no way in hell that RAW was anything more then a high 2. something because every single was a squash it felt like I was watching a show booked by Vince "Freakin" Russo. Then we have to suffer through Michael Cole fight Jerry Lawler for could have been more then 2 minutes and 30 seconds. After that Hornswoggle is reveled as the RAW GM give me a break Creative couldn't think of anything better then Horny to be GM.
It started great then went down hill from there & all the freakin tag matches didn't help either it felt like Long was incharge again hell i think he could have booked a better show. The only good thing to come out of that show was finding out Rock will be on the 1000th show to tell us more about his plans to win the WWE TITLE again.
If I was apart of WWE I would first try and get the creative team changed or whoever was responsible for this show demoted because it suck and wasted 2 hours of broadcast TV. Something that used to be a prized possessions goes by the waste side just so they can continue an angle that seems like its right out of an episode of a freakin Soap Opera. THIS IS NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT ITS PRO-WRESTLING GOD DAMN IT. Wrestling used to be constituted as a sport & the people went to the shows to be entertained Vince is taking to far. I say that because he basically centered a show around a Love Triangle the WEEK!!!!! before his Gosh Damn PPV. I don't know how many times I can say it they screwed up they should not have spent the entire TWO HOURS!!!!!! fixated on a Bloody!!!! (Yes Bloody as in the word English people from the UK use) LOVE Triangle which has made a DIVA more over then heck some of the Main Event stars. Don't get me wrong AJ is hot tomata as Taz would say & I am a huge fan of Punk & Bryan but the week before a PPV the focal point of the show shouldn't be just one match. I will even go as far to say the creative team insulted the word Creative with the trough together show they put on Yesterday and from what I saw on the spoilers Smackdown isn't much better. WWE better hope this hot streak of TNA's cools off or the ratings may start to suffer. Also to add to what I said at the begining of the paragraph I would also tell Vince & any other memeber of creative that the 1000th episode should be like a starting over point. Like what Wrestlemania used to be a point where new faces, feuds, champions are made to get the peoples attention. Also even push new faces to prove it is a new era in WWE.

THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME VENT TO ALL OF YOU ABOUT THE WWE. Sorry about the Length of the rant I had a lot more to say then I thought I did I guess. Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed this rant.


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