WWE The Future Is Coming 2

I did this last year for some talent in FCW, where i told you what they are good at and need work on & then could be seen up in WWE as legitimate if they corrected those things. Well here is part 2 of that post a few months later.

Dean Ambrose: He is the complete package, he can talk, wrestle, make the fans hate him or love. He has a great work ethic. He has been seen in Dark Matches over the past couple of months prior to TV and has made WWE management like what they see. Dean will be up with the main roster by the end of the year the only thing thats holding him back is his injury. The future is really bright for Dean Ambrose

Seth Rollins: The current FCW World champion. He has been impressing people ever since he got there last year & he is right up there with Ambrose as people getting high praises from management. Seth is good in the ring but lacks some skills on the mic but has got better then he was. Unlike Dean, Seth really hasnt fought in Dark Matches but he is still close to being called up to WWE. It is because he is champion and usually when people are champion they come up to the main roster so soon he will be seen on WWE tv.

Richie Steamboat: Plain and simple if he is half the in ring performer of his father then he will have no problem in this business. You can see the similarities between him and his dad the ring, but he still has ways to go to measure up to his dads in ring skill. Only in his early 20's he has plenty of time especially if he finds his version of Flair. Like his dad had Nature Boy or a guy he had great chemistry if he does he will be set

Kassius Ono: That Young Knockout Kid, He Ko's with his kicks and concusses with his elbows. A great performer who has a vast amount of experience in this sport and has traveled through japan numerous times so he has the knowledge of some moves we havent seen here in the states. Skills in the ring & on the mic are there he just has to learn how to wrestle a WWE style match and when he does the WWE will have another talented performer for there show.

They also have two talent young performers down there one named Leo Kruger, he reminds a lot of Rick Rude just how he looks and how he cuts promos. Also they have a second generation star named Bo Dallas or Bo Rotunda, son of Mike Rotunda & nephew of WWE Hall of Famer Barry Windham. Both Bo & Leo are very talented in the ring and average on the mic which is part of the reason they are still in FCW. The other reason at least in Bo's case could either be age because at one point he was ready to move up but wasnt old enough or the injury he sustained earlier this year. In Leo's case he isnt ready to move up yet as he still is a little off in the ring maybe a few months but another guy that should be up by the end of the year.

All these guys if they keep pace with their learning could/should be up with the main roster by the end of the year. Will they the only thing I can say is we have to wait and see what happens.


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