PPV Predictions

No Way Out

Brodus Clay vs David Otunga
this shouldnt be anything other then a squash match because Otunga isnt somone who should be a big challenge for Brodus because he isnt look at as a serious challenge for Brodus. So Brodus will win the match
Tuxedo Match
Santino Marella vs Ricardo Rodriguez
nothing more the a comedy match to fill time on the ppv this match will not go to long and i see Santino will win
(c) Layla vs Beth Phoenix 
this could be a decent match but most likely it will be just like any other WWE divas title match because they usually dont give them enough time on ppv to have a good match. I see Layla winning tonight because she just won it and Beth shouldnt get it back right now
(c) Christian vs Cody Rhodes
I think they need to move Cody to the next level and continue his push or at least try to push him because right it is close to floping. So good match here tonight but Christian getting the win and then start Cody with someone new.
(c) Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler
this will be a really good match because of how good Ziggler is in the ring and he will make Sheamus look better then he normally does because of it. Going off topic I think WWE needs to establish new stars therefore Dolph will win tonight
(c) CM Punk vs Kane vs Daniel Bryan
this will be a great match as the guys have done an awesome job building to the show tonight and it will help the match as the crowd will be interested. I also think that AJ will have something to do with the ending of the match maybe not the outcome but the ending. I dont see Kane winning because at this point he doesnt need to hold the title. Punk will win and continue his crazy long regin.
John Cena vs Big Show
this will have the most time on the show because of the ramifications with the match. I dont see them risking the ratings lose by having Cena get fired. Therefore I say Cena wins and we say sing Nah nah hey hey goodbye to Big Johnny.


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