How I Would Book It....

I know a few months ago I tried this and it was called Rework & Rewrite well now i am changing it to the title of this post. I know what some of you are thinking why if it didnt work the first time is he doing it again well simply put I looked back and the originals sucked. It was to congested, very hard to follow so in this post i will disclose what i am changing. I will be breaking up the topic based on how long of the certain thing I want to change. In a world without backstage politics, imagine the fans actually had a voice with the big promotions. For all the posts I will have a background before I begin disclosing why I am changing it, & what i am changing. I will be looking at superstars of the past & present. I will be doing research so this series can also focus on hypothetical occurences to expand the imagination. I will take a look at wrestlers who didnt make but could have or should have, promotions like WWE, TNA, WCW, ROH, AWA, NWA, Mid-Atlantic, WCCW, etc. To further that there will be specific years I zero in on to change maybe not completly & specific storylines that i feel could have been done better.
But also I would love to have you guys input which is something I didnt ask for when i didnt the first time but i am learning and I know if i do what the audience wants then it should be ok. Because I would doing what most wrestling companies dont and thats listenting to the fans. All I ask is you can leave a comment on this post, send me a message anything I want to what you guys want. Thats the fun of being in the IWC nobody wants to be content with wants going on what has happend so hears your chance to see who agrees or maybe I can make you look at things different. It doesnt matter all I am asking for is if you guys could let your voices be heard and comment and tell me what you may want to hear my thoughts on.


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