Talent Truth

Word is backstage Vince is frustrated with the talent because he feels they arent connecting with auidence because they lack the look of a superstar. Which is in his mind a bodybuilder type like HHH, Hogan, Cena, etc. Which in my opinion either means Vince is losing his mind or he isnt watching the show because both Punk & Bryan have been getting huge reaction from the fans. They dont look like bodybuilders neither does Dolph Ziggler who was very over on RAW & No Way Out, & Zack Ryder, Kidd, Gabirel, Rhodes, Christian, Orton, & others dont have the bodybuiler look. I mean look back at the past people like Bret Hart, Rock, Michaels, Foley, Austin, Undertaker, Jericho, Guerrero, Mysterio, & others. Who cares if they arent noticed at the store by the fans he should only care if they are over on TV cause thats what makes him money not them being noticed at the store, airports, on the street, bar, etc. This aint the territory days where you took any exposure you could get I mean he is on national tv. He has made more stars that dont have the bodybuilder complex then those who do and has been more successful with the normal sized people over the bodybuilers. I dont get why Vince cant see that he is a smart man but sometimes i dont get why he does some things. He shouldnt be mad that most of his top talent are 6'2 200 pounds he should be happy because it means he has changed even more with the times and has moved away almost totally from the Hogan era of the huge guys always getting push over the guys who can actually wrestle. Which isnt the case now and thats how it should be or at least have a mix with more people who are really good in ring. Until Vince figures out his company can succed with the people at the top now he's company wont be able to move forward to the future. Because they frown upon the use of HGH & other steroids yet they are frustrated the all small guy are at the top of the company shouldnt they be happy. As it means very people if any one in the company is using the juice.

I guess old saying is right anything can happen in the WWE even if it doesnt make sense.


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