PPV Predictions


Kid Kash vs Hernandez
this will be nothing special, but i like the fact that Kash is back in the ring after spending quite a while off TV & I think Hernandez is better by himself because Anarquia shouldnt be with them. I think because of the size advantage Hernadez gets the win here
Devon & Garrett Bischoff vs Robbie E & Robbie T
once again nothing special this is just a feud match that will hopefully blow off tonight because i absolutly hate this feud & have been saying for months if you want to help the TV title then get Robbie E out of the picture send him down to develop a new gimmick because people dont hate him they hate the gimmick. Devon & Garrett win
(c) Gail Kim vs Brooke Tessmacher
this will be a usual divas match, but the strange thing is i can see Brooke winning because out of all the women still with TNA she is one of the only ones never to win the gold. I dont think it will happen though because i think they can let Kim keep the belt for a few more months before dropping it to someone so Kim wins
Crimson's Open Challenge
I can tell you I have no idea what to expect from this match, other then it will be average unless Crimson is fighting someone who knows how to work because Crimson isnt good in the ring. Even Crimson technically isnt still unbeaten because he & Morgan did lose the tag belts but it was in tag team action. I think TNA needs to figure out a gimmick isnt good if itsnt over with the fans in which case the gimmick should change but they dont get & Crimson is exhibt A, speaking of that Crimson wins
(c) Christopher Daniels & Kaz vs Kurt Angle & Aj Styles
the first good match on the card it just needs the time for it to be as good as it could be because all of these guys are real good in the ring. I dont like the fact they are having not real teams go for the belts but at least it fits in the story so good job TNA. I think Daniels & Kaz win because they just won the belts and are good enough to keep the gold for a bit
(c) Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe
another should be good match as since he returned to TNA Austin has yet to disappoint in a PPV match this should be no different. I would like to see Joe a singles champion again but just not the X-Division. Because of that I think Aries wins tonight
Brother Ray vs Joseph Parks
This will be as bad as it sounds in my opinion, there isnt enough there to keep this feud going much longer get Ray in there with someone other then Abyss he is good enough to be in with anyone. I think Parks wins and we see the return of Abyssw tonight as well.
#1 Contender Match
Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson vs Rob Van Dam
this has all the making to be the match of the night because of how talented all of these guys have. Hardy got his chance vs Roode as did RVD so instead of repeating the past i think Anderson should win tonight. So you can have a new match for the next ppv instead of repeating one that was done already
Bobby Roode vs Sting
It should be a good match, but there is no real reason to do this match because they have done it already and what should have happend did and that was Roode won. At this stage of his career Sting doesnt need big wins like this and TNA should realize this. Neither one of them gain very much if anything winning tonight because Roode beat him already and Sting is already a legend. But I would hope they let Roode win to continue his push, but I am not sure they are doing that because it would make sense they will make Sting win as way to shake up the champ or something.

Next time you will see Predictions is next weekend June 17th Live on ppv for the returning No Way Out ppv.


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