Week News

WZR is reporting that the future of WWE diva Kelly Kelly may be in doubt not that WWE would fire her but that the time off she is taking now may be permenate. Kelly who debuted 6 years ago hasnt really taken any time away from the ring since debut and many think she is burnt out from all the travel. Because of that many feel will not return to WWE but management isnt happy because they feel she is their most marketable diva. While away she is looking into doing things that have nothing do with wrestling as her placement in the Maxim top 100 has opended a lot of doors for her away from WWE. I hope Kelly or WWE dont burn the bridge preventing a possible return for Kelly if she does decide to go away from WWE becuase she is a very marketable talent.
The future for the now Former Executive Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis still isnt complete termination as it seems he is making a change from an office employee to a guy on the road. As he is apparently booking the house shows now, which are also being booked more so as TV shows now rather then as House shows.
Over the past couple of months Scott Steiner has been berading his former company TNA and their employees including Eric Bischoff, Hulk & Brooke Hogan. Many think that the rants by Scotty are either him being bitter or an angle that very few are aware of. Big Poppa Pump has been attacking how powerful & the storke that both Bischoff & Hogan have in TNA and the fact that since they got their they really havent helped a bit. Also some think Scott is doing this to try and help is friend Jeff Jarrett back into power with the company he founded. Either way I think its very interesting if it is indeed Scott trying to help Jeff back into power. Also I have read everything Steiner has said and it's the truth, he isnt bitter he is justing saying what the fans dont have the testicular fortitude to say to a TNA executive.

Motivation Behind Scott Steiner’s Tweets?, Tessmacher


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