Week News

The end of a new week and another edition of Week news comes your way so here we go.

Even though I really dont talk about them they are a good company with a lot of great talent just ask WWE. I am talking about Ring of Honor and the fact they will be back on IPPV this sunday night with Best in the World in Mahattan, NY the Main Event is Kevin Steen vs Davey Richards for the World title. That will be a really good match and like usual ROH ppv is a stacked one from top to bottom and thats what I love about this company.
With two strikes against Randy Orton from the talent wellness policy many it WWE it to be doubtful that Randy will be pushed back into the Main Event. Also there has been some level of anguish backstage between Orton & Creative because Randy wants to be a heel again but Creative doesnt feel like Sheamus is a strong enough face yet to sell tickets for the live events. So Orton is out of luck, and plus even if he was a heel in the mid card it would take away from the heels already there. That would in turn force WWE to turn him face again because he would over shadowing the heels in the mid card.
The No Way Out PPV this past weekend was the lowest attened of any WWE ppv so far this year. As only 10,000 people attend the show, which doesnt surprise me because it wasnt that good of a show. Without the quality that World title matches were the show would have bombed because both the World title matches for once made the ppv watchable.
So after last nights episode of Impact it was made offical that Austin Aries is letting go of the X-Division title to get an opportunity at the World. Which is wrong because he should get the opportunity at the World but still drop the X-division belt because it could establish a new star in that division. Especially because it doesnt seem very likely that Aries will win at the next ppv because its been plans for months that Roode would face Storm at BFG. Which will only be good if hyped right which means using history videos to highlight the past and what has happend between the two to get to now. Will they do that will have to wait and see i mean do admitt they are trying to change but how quick will it come. Also a good thing in Aries vacating the title is that he had a condition that if he does every the X-division champion will have this option to go for it at Destination X like him. Which makes sense especially if like last year Destintion will be an all X-Division ppv or centered around them.

Till next Week


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