Politics at its Best!!!!

I said i wasnt going to write about it but when I saw another post about it and more people within WWE saying its true I couldnt help myself. What I am talking about is not only the fact that HHH has been baiscally bad mouthing Mick Foley backstage, because he doesnt believe foley draws has been a main person if not the only one shooting down any and all creative ideas having to do with Foley. Also he has jealous when it comes to The Rock & Steve Austin some believe its because they were bigger stars they he was in WWE and actually made it in Hollywood. But with all the movies HHH has done they have all floped. I was going to let this die but for someone to say that Foley didnt draw any money & that he should pay us (WWE) to appear on their shows is ridiculous. Because without Mick, WWE wouldnt have one of the best moments ever & one of the sickest match the Hell in Cell from KOTR 98 where Mick fought Taker we all know what happend on that night. Adding to what i said earlier that Hunter said that Mick doesnt draw, he also said that Mick doesnt look tough & cant be taken serious as a performer. Give me a break Paul as he is called now; if you were to tell me he isnt in shape & therefore cant compete then you might be right but doesnt look tough. How does that sound right all you have to do is tell Mick to smile look see he is missing teeth and have him tell the story. Especially if you know where Mick has come from it's kind of hard not to not only thinking he is a serious competitor but that you have to respect him for what he has done for all the time he has. Many people backstage think it's because Hunter cant stand the truth that the matches with Foley back in 2000 made him a star. What is so bad about that you ask Undertaker, Rock, Orton, & others they would say the same thing matches with Mick either made them stars or made them better. I know because i have the DVD that he says it on that because of Mick Foley he made it possible for him to be taken serious as World Champion. I am speaking of "HBK" Shawn Michaels who fought Mick during his first title run and after was look as a little bit more serious of a champ because of the bumps & brusies he took during the match. Not only that but because of the agression that he exuded and was allow to get out because of the fact Foley would do anything. Now to Orton & Rock who in my opinion without Mick would have had a tougher time being able to get over like they did. Orton's claim to fame is the 2004 feud with Foley specifically the match they had at Backlash which many say made Randy a star. To another point is that who else could Rock have done all the stuff that nobody in their right mind would have done except Mick in that way made Rock a bigger star. To continue this is also why I dont think Hunter will make a good owner when he and Steph take over for Vince. Because he will let jealousy & friendship make his decision of who will make it or comeback and who wont. He will also make his decision based on whats best for his friends instead of whats good for business like the Moxley vs Foley feud would have been. Now I think I know why it isnt happening its because Paul is jealous that Mick drew more money then him in the 90's and gave more of himself for the company Paul is now an executive for.

He also said that Nobody cares about Mick at & that Funaki puts more butts in the seats then Foley which couldnt be further from the truth. I think Vince needs to have a talk with his son-in law before he takes over and tell him that he needs to put personal opinions aside & do whats good for business.


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