Ratings down wonder Why!!!!!!!!!

Over the last week WWE has experienced a noticeable drop in ratings for Raw, which usually gives them decent numbers every week well I feel like giving my opinion on some problems right now. First thing is they have the same people every week doing the same thing for last week’s show I guessed that 5 things would happen on the show and 4 out of 5 happened. That's because WWE is terribly predictable and need to change because predictability isn’t a good thing an era of surprise which is needed in pro-wrestling. Because with shock value in a product then the fans never know what’s going to happen, but partly because of Super Cena WWE over the last couple of years especially in the past couple of months hasn’t been interesting. Take last year for example the CM Punk story that had him cut the promo that made the IWC go insane.  If done right WWE could have ridden the story for all it was worth all the way to this year. Same with the superstars walking out on HHH that never ended the right way because of the ppv hype that wasn’t needed. But they don’t think that far in advance either that or they folded under the pressure of the big story. If they hear the fans think they are predictable then they will try to swerve us with a stupid swerve because they think if we expect it we won’t watch it. But WWE needs to realize some of the best ideas could come with just simple thinking and may not require that much thought to think off as they may just need to begin it and then it could fall into place. Until they find away to change how predictable they are & add I guess excitement back to WWE for the long term the product won’t be much better.
Another thing that they should change to help the ratings is stop making Laurinaitis appear so much on TV. He is only supposed to be an authority figure that’s it, he shouldn’t be seen on TV every week because he occupy time that the actual on-air talent is suppose occupy. Now once in a while having been on the show for some time is ok but he is the GM and things involving him shouldn’t be the focal point of the shows. As he isn’t a performer, the world champion however should be focal point of the show because he is supposed to have the most important thing in the company the world title. If he isn’t then that makes the fans think the title doesn’t mean a damn thing which should ever enter a fans head about a company’s world title. Because the world champion is suppose to be the best guy in the company but if he isn’t the focal point of the shows doesn’t that mean someone is better than him. Back to WWE, I get it Cena is feuding with Laurinaitis, does anyone see a problem that the GM is the top heel in WWE. That shouldn’t be they have so many fresh faces in developmental & on the roster that they could push to the top on the company as top heel. These guys could be anyone from Ziggler, Ambrose, Hawkins, Miz, Del Rio, McGillicutty, DiBiase, Barrett, Cesaro, Ono, Kruger, & others all of these guys could be the top heel either based off mic skill, skills in the ring, or potential. But like WWE always says the fans don’t know what they want they have to tell us. Also what do I know I have only watched the sport for 15 years & also haven’t missed a Raw in 7 years but yah what do I know.



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