Time to Change

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I said I will do a part 2 of the WWE rant I did a few days well here it is its just not called a rant cause i want a cleaner term to describe this. So lets get started basically this is about the fact that WWE has consistent shows which would be a good thing but in this case it isn't. Because every week WWE has the same people on the show Mondays & Fridays. The usuals include: John Cena, CM Punk, Big Show, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, Marella, Otunga, Rhodes, Clay, & others. I understand the fact that they need to hype up matches going toward ppv so they use the TV time to do that. But do they really need 4 hours of national TV time to hype up matches on ppv's that people still aren't interested in enough to buy most of the time. Over the last year I cant remember how often people have sang the praises of Tyson Kidd, Barretta, Hawkins, Henning, & others. I mean taking TV time away from Otunga, Marella, Ryback, Clay, etc isnt a big deal cause their are many other people who deserve as much time as they are getting but dont get it.
People like Tyson Kidd, Alex Riley, Curt Hawkins, Michael McGillicutty, Johnny Curtis, Justin Gabriel, The Colon Cousins, & many more are the ones who should be getting TV time. It wouldn't be hard to get them over if they are a face make them feud with Ace & his stable. If heel let them be managed by Vickie, or Johnny Ace both have great heat and are despised by the WWE Universe as a whole. The WWE mid-card could be 10x's better then it is if WWE allowed new talent to get over on TV in front of the people. I mean is it really that hard to give these guys 10 minutes a show every week 2 minutes for promos & 8 minutes for the match I mean c'mon it would be a breath if fresh air for all the fans who watch the show. If they dont want to do that then, they can call up freash faces who have been ready for the main roster for months to join WWE. But for them to make the right impact they all cant debut together unless apart of a team, but they to featured on TV often enough to get over or they will become just like anyone else. I am speaking of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Kassius Ohno, Richie Steamboat, & Leo Kruger. There prensence in FCW has made the future bright for the WWE. Let's hope those in charge dont let their egos get in front of what is good business its happend before I just it doesnt again.

I will make 5 Predictions Regarding RAW tonight to show how predictable the show is:
  1. Cena will start & end the show in some way
  2. Punk will be on the show in the middle
  3. If Ziggler is in a match he will most likely lose
  4. Big Show will continue to dominate
  5. if you see any of the people i mentioned above who are never seen on TV they will be used to job in some form or fashin


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