1000th RAW

This post will be short and to the point, in around 4 weeks WWE will be having the 1000th episode special of RAW. They will be having special guests from the past like you have stars from the past over the last few weeks on RAW it will be done in full & crazy on July 23. First for those who dont know it was announced yesterday that the socail media embassador for the 1000th RAW will be none other then Charlie Sheen. If only they would give him a free range to say what he wants then it would be awesome.
Also something that made news today is that WWE is announcing who the permenate GM will be at the 1000th show. Which in my opinion could be anyone who was a former GM to anyone now who really isnt being used.
There really isnt much else to say other lets wait the 4 weeks to find out.


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