WWE: Ratings Problem

I did this already for TNA now i going to share my thoughts on the flaws in the WWE this will be a blog series of probably 4 or 5 posts starting with this one. Over the past couple of weeks WWE has had ratings trouble and i am going to tell you some reason why i think that is. First because their are only two people on their roster with a good credibility as a main eventer which isnt the smartest thing to do. Those two people very rarely lose matches not because they are the best but because WWE has their favorites who they make sure that when in doubt they win because nobody else can make money like them. Whether it be Punk, Ziggler, Miz, Bryan, Rhodes, Barrett, Christian, etc nobody will go to height higher than or beat these two guys because they are the money makers and nobody else needs to be. I am sure your saying well Punk & Bryan are champions well that brings me to my next point the World Champions. All of the titles dont mean a damn thing which isnt how its suppose to be the belts are suppose to mean your the best thats why you won the gold. Next thing Michael Cole's commentary he chastises and damages the reputations of all the babyface stars by doing that therby making less fans tune in cause if dont believe i guy can win they why would they watch. Cole needs to be fired or moved because last time i checked he was an announcer not a wrestler or a manager an announcer. Backtrack a second he needs to be fired because he isnt doing his job his job is to talk up all the stars not damage any of their reputations in anyway cause doing that will in turn damage the product. Last the age group the WWE targets with their story's and talents doesnt tolerate the heels cause they dont understand that your suppose to hate them & if you dont react to them they will lose time or their job.
The next edition of the series will be about the talent roster and what is wrong with the talent nowadays as opposed to the roster from 5-6 years ago. Next time


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