Opinion of Ring Ka King

I just watched the full first episode of the TNA Project called Ring Ka King which means King of the Ring it takes place in India. The show first of all it seemed like had more fans in attendance then any TNA show has and they were louder to into every match. We saw some guys from the states but also guys from India which is good because if your doing something in another country its good to have some homegrown talent with the product as well. But also American wrestlers are their to like Morgan, Dutt, Magnus, Steiner, Smith, Dinsmore, & Masters. Which also given some talent Rarely seen on TNA tv a chance to get a paycheck and work on a different countinent. Also TNA should use this for what it could be used as a way to get some new faces into TNA after the project is over they can use this a scouting opportunity. Cause they may not think that they do but they actually kinda do need some new faces not for the X-Division in TNA to spice things up. That would especially be true with the Indian wrestlers because its something TNA has never done have an Indian superstar on the roster. Hopefully it remains successful and opens up more freedom for TNA internationally because they aint doing to good at home. The only critzism i have of the first show to much talking not enough action but i think thats only the case cause its the first show and that will change. If you feel like watching it to then follow the link below:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jImsYY3S8VQ&list=UU55IWqFLDH1Xp7iu1_xknRA&index=11&feature=plcp Part 1 of 5


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