Flashback Report

While I am still going to do the scouting report i have decide to try this new thing were i write about people from the past tell me which one you guys like more. The feuds will be of those that he could feud with nowadays
Rick Rude
great on mic
good in ring

Best Possible Feuds: Roode, Bennett, Cena, Punk

During his career Rude was one of the most hated wrestlers in some territories because of his cocky & arrogant attitude which made the fans hate him. Like many great stars of the 80's the Ravishing one soon found his way to WWF as apart of the Mcmahon westward expansion i guess you could call it. Before going to WWE Rick was with WCCW and was the WCWC World Champion & the top heel of the company & first world champion to top it off. He then is off to NWA were in his tenure he wins the tag titles with Manny Fernandez then is off to WWF. He won the Intercontinental title around year half in his tenure with help from Bobby Heenan his manager at the time. He also had two major feuds one with Jake Roberts and another with the Ultimate Warrior before leaving. Back in WCW he won the International title, US and had his last feud with Sting.
Because during a match in Japan vs Sting, Rude was on the outside when Sting did a plancha to the floor but they were on elevated mats and rude was to close to the end of it and hit the end of it messing up his back. That was the last time he step into the ring. For the next 2 years Rick Rude managed, & announced in all the big 3 promotions in the US which are WCW, WWF, & ECW. He announced for a short time in ECW for a short time before returning to WWF to manage DX. Around this time Rude started to appear again for WCW as a member of the NWO managing Curt Hennig. On November 17 Rick appeared on both Raw & Nitro in the same night furthering the already known fact WWF was taped which at the time it was. By Mid 1998 Rick Rude was off tv healing some injuries and unfortuately he never came back to TV, he died April 20 1999 from Heart Failure. A couple of months prior to his death their were rumors going around that he was trying to get in shape to return to the ring. If he did even for a short time booked right could have made WCW some money but then again not much was booked right by WCW
The Ravishing one in my opinion is a very underrated superstar and deserved to be booked higher then he was in both companies but i am almost positive that if he never got injured he would have been a world champion at least once in his career.
December 7 1958- April 20 1999 Richard Erwin Rood Rip
Though your are gone you are not forgotten as who could forget a guy who was Simply Ravishing

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