What's Next

Over the last year numerous people have rose higher than some fans may have thought but other knew they could get their this your chance to reward a star for a job well done. This in my book is probably the most well rounded award because their is someone up for it from all the known indy companies & the 3 major promotions. The choices are Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, Johnny Gargano, Devon Moore, James Storm, & Kyle O' Riley all these guys deserve it but i am going to look further into two of the guys. First probably the least known guy Devon Moore from CZW in 2011 he won the World title in March and hasnt lost the strap since he also has proved he is more then just a hardcore misfit. He has really improved over the last year and CZW made the right choice putting him as champion. He also went 3 months without getting pinned which may not mean that much to some but it still means something. The other guy is Johnny Gargano not many people thought going into this year that Johnny was going to become Dragon Gate world champion by the end of it but he did. Ever since joining Dragon Gate in 09 Johnny has improved very much in the ring and the mic. This year he showed that he cant be written off by anyone because he deserves what he got cause he worked for it. Since their is only 3 of them no sense in putting them on a different post. Punk vs Cena in Chicago was probably one of the best matches hype wise and in ring wise i had seen from WWE in a very long time. Also probably the best worked John Cena match in even longer. They told a great story to bad the story didnt end as well as it should have. Next is the match from Wrestlemania 27 Undertaker vs HHH which quality wise wasnt to good cause of all the botches but story wise it was great. Those two guys are to great in the business and deserve everything they get from there careers just hopefully the quality of the match is better. Last but not least probably one of the if not the best series of matches on the indy circuit this year cam from ROH Eddie Edwards vs Davey Richards. The story told with these guys was great & the match was even better i was shocked when it didnt win match of the year.

Vote Now for the EOW year end awards


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