RAW Review

Because of the fact that RAW was so much better then the Rumble and the past RAW's this year and for a while it feels like its worth talking about. Many of the matches were the best on RAW in a while overall & quality wise most of the matches were really good. Ziggler, Punk, Bryan, Miz, Kingston, & Orton all should the part of the year we must be in because the WWE product always gets good around mania season. But this show was the best one this year thus far which should say alot. Bryan & Punk have really good chemistry together & even their match was the only one not to end clean it was still a great match. Also a good ending because its going to start the feud over who is best in the world between Punk & Jericho which is something fans all over have wanted to see for a long time. The other four guys seem to have really jelled in their matches vs one another which is great to see especially as booker. In my opinion even though you can age is playing a part on the Undertaker he is still the biggest & most exciting thing that has happend on RAW in a while. That beinging his return last night to the WWE finally after almost a year away only competiting at Mania showing the shape he is in. Hopefully 20-0 is the last match for Take cause he needs to retire as what he is a legend & not a shell of what he use to be which he can become if he stays to long. Like a Flair, Hogan, or Sting there prence is starting to lose touch which is something that should happend cause of who they are and what they've done but things. I think out of all the guys in WWE the 5 of them not including Orton will be the future of this company and if they play their cards right it will be for a long time.


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