Hall of Fame

this past Monday the WWE announced their first two inductees into the Hall of Fame this year Edge & 4 Horsemen specifically Flair, Arn, Barry, Tully, & JJ. What i think about it is that both inductees deserve it but for Edge i think it maybe to soon because he just retired last year. Also next years Wrestlemania will be in Toronto which is Edge's hometown and would have made sense to induct him their. But then again that may mean they have a big name Canadian or just a big name going in next year. Now to the Horsemen in my opinion the stable that laid the ground work for all other heel stables to follow which they did. Also they are one of the greatest stables of in wrestling history and they never fought a day together in WWE. Even though all but 3 of the members of the many different variations of the group never were all of them together in WWE. But they did however make the NWA famous when someone thought of the NWA they thought the Horsemen like Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, JJ Dillon, Ole Anderson, Lex Luger, Sting, Brian Pillman, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, etc. They acculated numerous championship both together and apart therefore if anyone deserves to get into the hall of fame its this group of guys in my opinion together there was nobody better.

"Diamonds are forever like the Horsemen."

**dont forget to vote for the EOW year end awards as time is almost up for this set of awards the next ones will be coming soon**


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