King Ka Ring better or Just as Bad

Over the past couple of months TNA has been scouting people for a project they are doing in India where they have american talent in india doing shows their to really expand foreign markets. Some people are saying that the shows they are doing in India are better then shows they doing in the states. Which could be true in many way first being they have for the most part lots of fresh faces on the project a majority of the people havent been seen by TNA management in this way before. Also its not the same people booking the TNA shows in the states these people actually know what they are doing. The last thing i can think of that can make people think that is the auidence they are not the same people that are at the shows every week and they never really get to see american wrestling so they are excited to see it. If only TNA management who notice what they are doing in india and do the samething for the product in US cause this one is in worse shape then the foregin products. Or even if TNA focues on a specific auidence to appeal their product to like any other wrestling promotion does or has done but, TNA used to and stop appealy to a specific audience and was just their. The likes of Jimmy Rave, Zema Ion, Joey Ryan, Matt Morgan are a couple of names with the project. The thing is that they are being used different they would be in the states perfect example is Morgan because he is the top face in india but just another wrestler in the US. What TNA needs to figure out is their company is based in the states and not in a foregin country because it seems like they focus more on International markets then the market they are located. Doesnt Make sense to me because they dont even market a top guy from an international market as there top guy, which if you want to establish a fan base out their shouldnt you do that. I am aware Roode whos world champion is a canadian which sort of makes him international but when was the last time they went to canada. TNA has a lot of behind the scences stuff they need to work out before making any sort of strides in any direction on the air or creatively.

*Dont forget to vote for the EOW Year end awards voting ends  Feburary 1


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