Company Man

A couple of months ago word got out that Randy Orton had gotten hurt and would be taking time off to heal a back injury. Word going around is that Orton will be coming back on next week's Smackdown he will be facing or continuing his feud vs Barrett. Smackdown has actually been good without Orton on the show but not as good as it should have been because of the lack of consistantcy that the main events have given the show. As the main events have been lackluster of the past couple weeks with the not clean endings the last few weeks. This may actually be a positive thing for the show with Orton coming back because maybe they will finally given bryan a credible victory with the belt on the line. Because this gives them a chance to get another credible guy to put Bryan more over as a champion because he needs it very much as his crediblity is very lower then it should be as a champion. So WWE really needs it to help there ratings problem as it gives them another top guy to take the reigns of TV. Even though Orton may not be as popular with the fans as he once was but he does helps the ratings because the casual fans know who he is. All an all Orton will do more good then harm coming back to smackdown because he may be exactly what the show needs to go over the top.


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