In talks time to Walk

Rumors have been spreading so much over the last few days that it seems true it's not yet true though. Well in the past two months fans have been herring that Rob Van Dam after his contract expires could go back to WWE. Well that would be great for WWE because of the talent RVD has he can help get the young guys over which would be great. Not that but who doesn't want to see RVD back in WWE I mean he made their shows interesting cause your were shocked by how flexible he is and everything else he can do in the ring. This also maybe what he needs cause it doesn't seem like he has the passion for it anymore which I don't think that's true I just think he is sick of being at the mid card level when he could be high mid card or a main eventer with wwe. Rob will also join a group of former world champions who are coming back to WWE after time away. Nobody except RVD knows what he will do when his contract expires in March with TNA, yes 2 months left. But I am really sure if he wanted to and WWE didn't have pay him a lot I am sure they would welcome him back with open arms. You something the way there product has been and how long he has been gone who wouldn't want a fresh face in WWE.


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