Post PPV Thoughts

To mix things up as i usually talk about the ones i got wrong but now i want to talk about the ones i got right. Specifically Gunner vs RVD & Roode vs Hardy because those are the two matches that stick out to me. I am going to go backwards and talk about the main event first then the other match right after that. So the main event of the ppv was a world title match Hardy vs Roode it was a good match the only thing once again was the ending. If you were going to make it happen like this at that ppv then you should not have made the dusty finish at the last one now the credibility, Roode should have as champion is not their cause your not booking him as a credible champion. Maybe having Roode cheat to win would have even been better then not making him get a win at two consecutive ppv's. Now people say Hardy will get a rematch on the next show well if he is going to win it anyway then why not make him win at the ppv's. Because it doesn't matter if you can make show good ratings wise it matter if you can keep it that way after a show which TNA has a bad habit of not being able to do. With this post I am not trying to bash TNA cause they have gotten better over the past couple of months pushing new people if only they could push them harder. Roode is suppose to be the face of the company as world champion and hasn't got a clean win at a ppv c'mon. Next Gunner's match i was right with the mean streak he has been it would be stupid to beat against him now TNA has to keep the ball rolling something else they have a tough time doing. Maybe now that he is more established as a heel & is over as a heel it would be a good time to give him another reign as TV champion. He deserves it now as opposed to just being a random challenger & champion last time now people actually know he is. TNA is a long way away from competing in any way with any company for that matter and they don't need what they need to do is focus on their product make it better. Make the stars better, get new guys over, use the training facility to their advantage and work on doing better TV shows, matches and the fans will comeback. If they do all that then maybe within the next 5 years TNA will be closer to competing then ever before. Positive thinking never killed anyone & everyone needs some positive thinking once in a while.


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