Last One

I realized that even if I did another 4 more polls i still would not have gotten all the awards in so i decided to narrow it down to just 2 more polls. These polls will end of course on February 1 when all EOW Year end Award votes would be in and the winners will be shown in a blog post that day. Now though the last two awards are the Face of the year and Heel of the year reward the person you loved the most & loved the least by voting for them for this award. Some nominees for the face of the year are Richards & Edwards from ROH, Scotty Vortekz from CZW, James Storm from TNA, & CM Punk from WWE. The Heel of the year nominees are Roddy Strong from ROH, Silas Young from AAW, Mark Henry & Miz from WWE, & Robert Roode from TNA. Now two guys i want to go further in depth in are Scotty Vortexz & Silas Young these two are probably the least nationally known in the pack. First Scotty is a former Jr Heavyweight champion, Tag Champion with Dustin Lee, & the 2010 TOD Champion. But Also in 2010 and for a majority of 2011 Scotty engaged in a bloddy feud with once best friend & stable mate Drake Younger. Over the last 2 years Scotty has shown he is one of the most hardcore people on the indy circuit with the wins he has pick up & the matches he has fought in. Next is Silas Young who is the nephew of Stan Hansen, Young has spent more time with the AAW World title then with out it. He held the title for 1 year & 3 months before losing it to Dan Lawrence in March then winning it back in July and still holding it currently. He is helping get wrestling best kept secret out and is doing a great job of it as he is one of if not the most hated person in AAW history. Which may not be to long of infamous but still it means something it means he does his job well.

This is the last week you have to vote for the EOW awards. Make you a deal more people vote for the awards then i will not bother you like this till next year spaming everyones wall.


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