WWE Finally Doing Somthing Right

Over the last couple of days I have heard a lot about speculated Creative changes that will happen in WWE. From, Vince firing people to change the direction because he hasn't been a fan of how the undercard has been used over the last few months. I also just saw today that Triple H will be changing the scripts from word for word scripts to more Bullet points. This would allow more freedom for the wrestlers to control what their characters say rather then having writers who have no idea what they are doing deciding that.

I have been preaching the need for WWE to give their talents more freedom, and in doing that it takes the pressure off of the Creative team because they don't have to worry about each and every promo now. This will also help numerous members of the roster who always had charisma but never got the chance to show it because either they weren't able to speak or what they were told to say didn't fit. WWE used to have the bullet point back in the 90's but moved away from that type of script in the mid-part of this decade. Not to be that guy but giving the roster more freedom could hurt some people but be a blessing for others. Because some people on the roster need to be told exactly what to say, but others are better with improvising or deciding what they should say rather then having a writer do it. This will help WWE because it will allow more of the roster to be themselves and show their character how they think it should/could be viewed rather then how the office wants it to be.
Honestly I am only talking about the Triple H story because of the fact I really don't know what to make of what Vince said. As it could mean any number of things, it could be he is just going to give them more TV time, or more promo time, or more competive matches, or anything. But what HHH said could only be one thing and it's a good thing.

I think either way this will help WWE because both these things should be positive for not only the roster but the office to. This will help by changing the office morale and like I said earlier it will take stress off of the Writers as not worrying about the promos gives them one less thing to worry about.

~~ Let's hope this is just the start of the changes Hunter will make when he takes power because if his other changes are anything like this then WWE will be better off when Vince retires.


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