This day in Wrestling History

This day 11 years ago WWE held one of the more forgetful Wrestlemania's ever. It was Wrestlemania 18 from the Skydome in Toronto this is the Mania that Hogan fought Rock, Undertake fought Flair & Jericho vs HHH but outside of those matches nothing really special happened. It was build as Once in a Life time, Icon vs Legend, Rock vs Hogan. That match was all that was expected and more but it didn't end the show why Vince made it clear the WWF title had to be the Main Event. Even though the crowd was tired and I don't from the 5 different Hardcore champions I mean from how good Rock vs Hogan was the people still enjoyed Jericho vs Hunter. Now for your viewing pleasure Wrestlemania 18: Rock vs Hogan, Undertaker vs Flair, Triple H vs Chris Jericho The Rock vs Hulk Hogan Undertaker vs Ric Flair

I wasn't able to find Chris Jericho vs HHH from Wrestlemainia 18 so instead I am giving highlights and their Hell in a Cell Match from Judgement Day 2002. Triple H vs Chris Jericho (Judgement Day 2002) Triple H vs Chris Jericho (Wrestlemainia 18 highlights)


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