Goodbye to a Legend

As I mentioned here last night the wrestling world was saddened to find out that we lost a legend and one of the most liked men in the business William Moody or better known as Paul Bearer. Like I also stated last night I would be going in depth on the career of Paul today so here we go. Even though Paul did start in the business in 1979 because of outside circumstances his career really didn't start until 1984. During that time Percy worked for Eddie Graham in Florida, Jerry Jarrett in Memphis, & Fritz Von Erich in Dallas. Paul during his career managed multiple talents including Rick Rude, Mark Callaway, Eric Embry, Dingo Warrior, Kamala, Missing Link, Matt Borne, Kane, Mankind, Lex Luger, Buzz Sawyer, and many others. I am aware I could have just wrote Undertaker for Mark Callaway but what many don't know is Percy actually managed Undertaker early in his career to before he was the Undertaker. With basically everyone above he managed them to some form of a World title. Off the top of my head I know he managed Taker, Kane, & Rude to World titles in their respected companies.

Looking at the words wrestlers from all over are saying about Percy is telling of the type of man Percy was because nobody has a bad thing to say about the guy. People used words like funniest, nicest, well spirited, loving, the list could go on but those are the words I saw most and they are all true. I have heard people say bad things about a lot of people especially people who worked backstage like Percy did for WWE. But like so few other people in this business not one person can say a bad thing about Percy which makes his lose all the more hard. This business has become known for a lot of thing forgetting legends is not on of them as below is a blog post from Jim Ross on Percy's passing and Other Superstars feeling on Percy's passing. Also a video entitled the Best of Paul Bearer:  Jim Ross Blog post on Percy Pringle (Unfortunately it's only Best of WWE)
Various talents comment on Percy's passing

Forever Remembered Never Forgotten


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