Wrestlemania Recall

15 days till Wrestlemania 29 
As come closer to Wrestlemania 29 it's only fitting that we continue looking back at Wrestlemania's from the past. We have looked at many different Wrestlemania's over the last month or so from Mania 28, to 17 to 18 to 20 just to name a few. Now we go back even further to 1997 as now we recall Wrestlemania 13.

Outside of one match that everyone remember from that event it a very forgetful show the match everyone remembers is Steve Austin vs Bret Hart in a No DQ with Ken Shamrock as the Ref. Other matches: Ahmed Johnson & Road Warriors vs Nation of Domination in a Street Fight, Rocky Maivia vs The Sultan for the IC title, The Undertaker vs Sid Vicious for the World Title. Below is the Full match Bret Hart vs Steve Austin (the match many say started Austin's accent to being a Main Eventer.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6vQpUTCxh8  Sid Vicious vs The Undertaker for WWF Title

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxowP-K1t4M Bret Hart vs Steve Austin Highlights

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JsCMLPT91c Wrestlemania 13 intro


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