This day in Wrestling History

This day 14 years ago the pendulum of the Monday Wars swung towards the side of the WWE because on this night the most controversial stable in Pro-Wrestling history was reformed. The night prior at WrestleMania 14 Shawn Michaels fought Steve Austin for the WWF Title which Austin won and it HBK left because of a severe back injury. The next night Triple H took over a leader and expanded the group to 5 members instead of 3. To open the show Hunter reveled that Shawn was hurt and wouldn't be returning anytime soon. So to start he introduced the newest member of DX one of his best friends the returning 123 Kid later known as X-Pac.

When Pac gets on the microphone he deeply rips into not only Hogan, & WCW but also Eric Bischoff which this was the first time anyone on a WWF show mention anything WCW. X-Pac said "Nash & Hall would've been there with him but Eric Bischoff was holding them hostage at the WCW." Later in the broadcast Billy Gunn & Road Dogg vs. Terry Funk & Cactus Jack in a WrestleMania rematch fought in the main event inside of a Cage. It didn't end well for Jack & Terry as Hunter, Chyna & X-Pac ran in and attacked them officially announcing in a way that the Outlaws were also in The New DX.

They would continue to run around the WWF causing trouble heels in the company until WrestleMania 15 when they broke up. Then the same stable reformed in late 1999 a part of the McMahon-Helmsley Faction.

Not what I wanted but all I could find: DX reunion RAW 1000 (7/23/12)


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