Unfortunate Circumstances

You know something big must have happened for me to post twice in one day especially this late well something did. It's something I hate reporting but I have to as a site like this it would be wrong of me not to comment. I just found out that William Moody aka Percy Pringle III or better known as Paul Bearer passed away today. Paul was 58 years old not much is known about what caused his untimely passing but I will post just as soon as I know. Before I continue I want to send my condolences to Paul's family & friends he will be missed.

Paul debuted in the WWE in 1991 as the manager of the Undertaker and ended up sticking around for 20 years. Managing the Undertaker, Kane, Vader, Mankind, & Ministry of Darkness; he also managed both Kane & Undertaker to the World Title. Before coming to WWE, Paul was apart many of the territories which I will go through in a post tomorrow.

Future Hall of Famer and one of the Greatest Managers of All Time: Paul you will be missed by not only your Family & Friends of course but you will also be missed by Your Fans!!!!!!!!
He may be gone but will never be forgotten

RIP: You Will be Missed


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