The New F'N Show

As of this writing former TNA World Champion & former X-Division champion Rob Van Dam's contract expired over this past weekend. Now, Rob is still negotiating a new deal with TNA but he is a free agent as of now. There has been very strong speculation from many internet sites that RVD might not return to TNA but may go back to WWE. Over the last year there has been a lot of speculation that Rob would leave TNA to go back to WWE for one more run in the company up north. This would be a big loss for TNA but a real big gain for WWE.

Rob has been a big name for years in this business and over the last few months TNA used Rob's name to help young guns in the company get noticed and over. That is something WWE is in desperate need of because of the lack of roster depth they are forced to make young guys face main event level guys before they are ready. But getting Rob would be a move in the right direction to getting more not only known talent but roster depth back. This decision has been in question for almost a year now because of the fact that his contract was coming up last summer and now it has expired and more questions need to be answered. The only way to know the answer is to wait and see what happens.

Will Rob Van Dam resign with TNA or is he heading back north to WWE!!!!!!!!!


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