Wrestlemania Hype: Triple H vs Brock Lesnar

Wrestlemania 29- 12 Days Away
At first I wasn't going to do a post about this but then I thought it only fitting to do a post like this for all 3 of the top matches for Mania. The feud that started last year when Brock "broke" Hunter's arm was started up again with angle to it when Brock tried to once again attack Hunter's Father-In Law Vince McMahon who just had hip surgery. Now Brock Lesnar vs Triple H- No Holds Bared with Hunter's career on the line let's take a look at the video:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54elHXio5aw Triple H vs Brock Lesnar promo video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgzT-bcj-jA Brock & Hunter brawl the night Hunter returns


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