How I would book it......... WCW 1999-2000 Part 2

September 4th Saturday Night: Milwaukee, WA
The announcers put over the mystery man who has now taken out 3 former World Champions Sting, Hart, & Nash, they also speculate who it is. Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito beat 3 Count (Johnny pins Moore), Jim Duggan over Dean Roll, Norman Smiley pins Rick Cornell, Chuck Palumbo defeats Elix Skipper, Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko over Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor, Bam-Bam Bigelow def Bobby Blaze & Stevie Ray
September 6th Monday Nitro: Long Island, NY
Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, Bam-Bam Bigelow are all out there to call out the mystery man because they say they don’t like surprises. But they are answered by Goldberg & Booker, T who says they don’t care who they want because what Booker & Goldberg want is a 6 man tag match tonight. Luger points out there are 3 of them (the heels) but only two of them (the faces) he accepts. Goldberg says not to worry they already have someone in mind. Rey Mysterio Jr, Prince Iaukea, Billy Kidman & Kid Romeo over Villano IV, Villano V, Chavo Guerrero Jr, & Mike Sanders (Romeo pins Sanders), Wrath over Disco Inferno, Eddie Guerrero & Psychosis def Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito via DQ, © Shane Douglas pins Buff Bagwell (non-title), Promo for Fall Brawl: September 19th live on ppv, Fit Finlay def Devon Storm, © Perry Saturn over Rick Steiner (TV title match), announcers speculate the 3rd man for team Goldberg tonight, © Kaz Hayashi defeats Lash Leroux, Booker, T, Goldberg, & Hulk Hogan over Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, & Bam-Bam Bigelow (Hogan pins Steiner)
September 8th Thunder: Nashville, TN
Eddie Guerrero & Psychosis vs Rey Mysterio & Billy Kidman (Draw), Chavo Guerrero pins Mike Sanders, Dave Taylor & Fit Finlay over Mike Enos & Kenny Kaos (Taylor pins Kaos), highlights of Nitro and announcers talk up Hogan’s return. Barry Windham pins Diamond Dallas Page (after Hennig interfered), vignette with Adam Pearce again this time he discusses why he is the future of wrestling, Super Calo pins La Parka (Parka attacks Super Calo post match), Hugh Morrus def Ron Harris & Dean Malenko (Morrus pins Ron), Shane Douglas over Booker, T w/ Hulk Hogan, Bam-Bam challenges Goldberg to a title match at Fall Brawl, Lex Luger def Buddy Lee Parker, Hulk Hogan over Local Talent, The Wall vs Goldberg (Bam-Bam attacks Goldberg before the match so it never happens)
September 11th Saturday Night: Memphis, TN
The Wall over Local Talent, (Kaz Hayashi issues an open challenge to any cruiserweight to challenge him for the title at Fall Brawl), La Parka def El Dandy (Super Calo attacks Parka), Villano IV & V defeats Kid Romeo & Prince Iaukea (V pins Romeo), Barry Windham & Curt Hennig over DDP & Kanyon (Hennig pins Kanyon), Jim Duggan pins Perry Saturn (non-title), promo for September 19th Fall Brawl, Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner over Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos (Enos attacks Kaos after Steiner pins Kenny), highlights of Nitro, Juventud Guerrera pins AAA,
September 13th Monday Nitro: Las Vegas, NV

Promo for September 19th: Fall Brawl on PPV, © Kaz Hayashi vs Elix Skipper (draw), Rey Mysterio Jr & Billy Kidman over Eddie Guerrero & Psychosis (after Stamboli & Vito distract Eddie), Curt Hennig vs DDP is announced for the ppv, DDP def Booker, T w/ Hulk Hogan, Juventud Guerrera pins Dean Roll, Curt Hennig def Brad Armstrong, Vignette: Pearce talks about why he is better than everyone else, La Parka vs Super Calo (El Dandy attacks Parka before the match and it never starts), Bam-Bam Bigelow pins Chris Benoit, Goldberg defeats Shane Douglas via DQ, Post Match: Goldberg is in the ring celebrating but then the lights go out and the announcers are screaming it’s happening again, not Goldberg to. We hear someone hit the mat the lights comeback up and Goldberg is standing tall but the mystery is nowhere to be found. The announcers say finally someone fought off the mystery man.
September 15th Thunder: San Francisco, CA

El Dandy & Super Calo def Lizmark Jr & La Parka, Dallas Page & Kanyon are in the back then Luger walks up to them and asks Page if he needs help with Hennig & Windham. This offends Kanyon who challenges Luger to a match. Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos over Villano IV & Villano V (Iaukea distracts the Villano’s), Dean Malenko & Chris Benoit over Harris Brothers (Chris pins Ron), Eddie Guerrero w/ Psychosis over Johnny Stamboli w/ Big Vito (Tag Match for the ppv), Lex Luger over Kanyon, Scott Steiner defeats Booker, T w/ Hulk Hogan, highlights of Nitro, Dallas Page over Barry Windham (Hennig vs Page announced for the ppv), Bam-Bam Bigelow & Shane Douglas over Goldberg & Kaz Hayashi (Bigelow pins Kaz)
September 18th Saturday Night: Sacramento, CA
DDP vs Curt Hennig, Eddie Guerrero & Psychosis vs Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito for the Tag Titles, © Kaz Hayashi vs Elix Skipper for the Cruiserweight title, Booker, T vs Scott Steiner, Shane Douglas vs ?, Goldberg vs Bam-Bam Bigelow for the WCW World Title. Jim Duggan pins Local Talent, Lizmark Jr defeats AAA, Brad & Scott Armstrong pins Devon Storm & Al Greene (Brad pins Al), Bobby Eaton pins Bobby Blaze, Buff Bagwell over Disco Inferno, © Perry Saturn pins Chuck Palumbo Television Title Match
September 19th Fall Brawl: San Diego, CA
Prince Iaukea def Villano IV, © Shane Douglas defeats Bobby Eaton in an Open Challenge Match for US title, Hype for World Title Match, Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr pins Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko (Kidman pins Benoit), © Kaz Hayashi over Elix Skipper for the Cruiserweight Title, Curt Hennig def Diamond Dallas Page (Page is hit in the back with a pipe by Luger), © Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito pins Eddie Guerrero & Psychosis in a Tag Title Match (Johnny pins Eddie), Chavo Guerrero, Kid Romeo, & Juventud Guerrera defeat Shane Helms, Shannon Moore & Evan Karagis (Guerrero pins Moore), © Goldberg defeats Bam-Bam Bigelow to retain the World Title
September 20th Monday Nitro: Portland, OR

Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr def Eddie Guerrero & Psychosis (Rey pins Eddie), © Perry Saturn defeats Horace Hogan, Elix Skipper over Lizmark Jr, Shane Douglas over Kanyon, Mike Enos & Kenny Kaos pin Hugh Morrus & Brian Knobs, Bobby Eaton defeats Booker, T w/ Hulk Hogan (Post Match: Booker attacks Hulk saying he is done saying that Hulk was no help), Shane Helms def Juventud Guerrera, DDP calls out Luger and challenges him to a match on Thunder; Lex accepts the match but then Page is attack by Curt Hennig, El Dandy, Super Calo, & Prince Iaukea pins Villano IV, Villano V, & La Parka (Dandy pins Villano V), Scott Steiner over Hulk Hogan
September 22nd Thunder: Boise, ID

Shannon Moore over Lash Leroux, Vignette: Adam Pearce now he says WCW was the laughing stock of Wrestling and he is coming to save it (at the end of the vignette it says two weeks), Psychosis def Big Vito via DQ, Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner over Harris Brothers (Rick pins Don), Main Event announced: DDP vs Lex Luger, Curt Hennig & Barry Windham over Bobby Duncum Jr & Bobby Blaze, Booker, T talks about his attack on Hogan saying Hulk was a waste; that he was no help the only thing he did was hold Booker back which is something he won’t take anymore. Announcers talk about the upset win for Steiner and Rotunda earlier, Mike Sanders pins Evan Karagis, Goldberg over Local Talents, (the lights go down again and the announcers say are nervous that the mystery man might get Goldberg this time. But when the lights turn back on once again Goldberg is standing tall but this time we see the Mystery man running back through the crowd but still can’t see who it is. DDP over Lex Luger
September 25th Saturday Night: Billings, Montana
Bobby Duncum Jr over Local Talent, Chuck Palumbo pins Scotty Riggs, Devon Storm def Alex Wright, Jerry Flynn pins The Wall, Kaz Hayashi defeats Disco Inferno, Jim Duggan pins Fidel Sierra, Brad & Scott Armstrong over Villano IV & Villano V via DQ, Fit Finlay pins Robert Kellum, Rick Cornell defeats Norman Smiley
September 27th Monday Nitro: Tempe, AZ

Shane Helms pins Alex Wright, Chris Adams over Dave Taylor, Kaz Hayashi def Chavo Guerrero, Bam-Bam Bigelow defeats Wrath, Kaz Hayashi pins Chavo Guerrero Jr (Juventud runs out and steals the Cruiserweight title), Chris Benoit over Perry Saturn (non-title), Kanyon  pins El Dandy, Booker, T is shown arriving dressed in a suit (Gene interviews him and Booker says nobody will hold him back anymore nobody), Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos defeat Local Talent, Lex Luger def Dean Roll (post match: the lights go out on Luger in the ring when they come back on Lex is outside bleeding with a chair on his ankle and Lex is saying he F*** up my leg God Damn it) Mike Sanders pins Al Greene, Silver King pins Super Calo, Announcers speculate who the Mystery Man is and put over the fact he has now taken out 4 former World Champions, Stevie Ray pins Buddy Lee Parker, Dean Malenko defeats Buff Bagwell, Curt Hennig, Scott Steiner, Barry Windham, & Shane Douglas over Diamond Dallas Page, Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, & Ed Leslie (Douglas pins Page after hitting him with brass knuckles which Booker, T gave him)
September 29th Thunder: San Antonio, TX

Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr pins El Dandy & Super Calo (Dandy attack Calo then Silver King comes out to make the save it looks like but it turns into a 2 on 1), Diamond Dallas Page challenges Booker, T to a match later tonight, Barry Windham pins Chris Adams, Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos defeats Harris Brothers (Mike pins Ron), Vignette: Adam Pearce once again preaching to the fans just how good he is and the difference between him and everyone is that he is better than them (next week flashes up at the end of the Vignette), Juventud Guerrera defeats Prince Iaukea (Kaz comes out and takes his title back from Juvi),  Bobby Eaton over Disco Inferno, highlights of the Lex Luger attack from Nitro, Hulk Hogan over © Shane Douglas via DQ, a video comes up on the big screen and then the date October 24th comes up at the end. Booker, T over Diamond Dallas Page via Count-out
October 1st Saturday Night: Oklahoma City, OK
Disco Inferno over Ed Leslie, Bobby Blaze pins Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig & Barry Windham defeat Jim Duggan & Al Greene (Curt pins Duggan), The Wall over Steve Armstrong, © Perry Saturn pins Chris Benoit (non-title), Booker, T defeats Brian Knobs, Dave Taylor & Fit Finlay def Brad & Scott Armstrong (Dave pins Scott)
October 3rd Monday Nitro: Raleigh, NC

Promo for Halloween Havoc on October 24th, Shane Helms over James Yun, Booker, T is out in his suit and sunglasses and talks about how good he looks then the fact that people like Hogan, Goldberg, Luger, Hart, Nash, Page, Sting have all held people like him back and he will not take it anymore. He finishes with it’s about you boys get taken out of the limelight and put into the shadows. Dean Malenko over Robert Kellum, Bobby Eaton def Chris Adams, The Wall vs Bam-Bam Bigelow (No Contest), Evan Karagis & Shannon Moore pins Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr (Moore pins Kidman after Vito distracts the Ref and Stamboli super kicks Kidman), Hulk Hogan defeats Scott Steiner, Goldberg def Booker, T via Forfeit (Booker says he will fight Goldberg but on Booker’s terms)
October 5th Thunder: Charlotte, NC

Announcers hype the debut of Adam Pearce tonight, Shane Helms & Shannon Moore over Juventud Guerrera & Psychosis (Helms pins Guerrera), Kaz Hayashi was watching the match, Don Harris defeats Hugh Morrus, The Wall defeats Wrath, Kaz Hayashi over Devon Storm, Chris Benoit def Buddy Lee Parker, Scott Steiner pins Dean Malenko, Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr over Mike Enos & Kenny Kaos (Billy pins Mike), Adam Pearce decimates Local Talent, Rick Steiner w/ Mike Rotunda def Steve Armstrong, Goldberg defeats Bam-Bam Bigelow (Booker, T attacks Goldberg after the match saying Halloween Havoc would be the perfect time to face him so Booker lays down the challenge), Diamond Dallas Page pins Hulk Hogan (they shake hands Post Match)
October 8th Saturday Night: Orlando, FL
The Wall def Brad Armstrong, Bobby Eaton over Dean Roll, Bobby Blaze pins Bobby Duncum Jr, Announcers put over how good Pearce was in his debut, Elix Skipper def Silver King, Television Title Match announced as Main Event, Ed Leslie pins Stevie Ray, Hugh Morrus over AAA, Psychosis def Villano IV, Chris Benoit defeats © Perry Saturn (Television Title Match) via DQ


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