How I would book it........... WCW 1999-2000 Part 3

October 10th Monday Nitro: Tampa, FL

Juventud Guerrera pins Shane Helms, Shannon Moore & Evan Karagis defeat Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito via DQ, Fit Finlay pins Alex Wright, Elix Skipper over Lenny Lane, Chris Benoit over © Perry Saturn Television Title Match, Once again video comes up on screen and shows the date 10/24/99, Mike Enos & Kenny Kaos over Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner (Enos pins Rick), Kaz Hayashi defeats Bobby Blaze, Diamond Dallas Page defeats Barry Windham, Hulk Hogan is out he says Booker, T has become a punk kid and needs to be taught respect and Hogan says he is just the man to teach it to him. Booker comes out and tells Hogan he is washed up but that he would be glad to take him to the wood shed anytime, anywhere just not tonight, Booker says he needs a week to prepare. Hogan vs Booker, T made for Next Week’s Nitro. Horace Hogan over Norman Smiley, The Wall decimates Brad & Scott Armstrong (Wall pins Scott), Dean Malenko pins Dave Taylor, © Goldberg vs Barry Windham (never gets start because before Windham comes out, Goldberg is in the ring and the lights go out and when they come back on Goldberg is down through the announcers table on the outside.) announcers put over the fact that now the mystery man has taken out 5 former World Champions, Bobby Eaton def © Shane Douglas via count-out (non-title), Hulk Hogan is out and offers an Open Challenge to anyone willing to fight Hulk then Bam-Bam Bigelow accepts the challenge, Bam-Bam Bigelow def Hulk Hogan
October 12th Thunder: Daytona Beach, FL

Shane Helms & Evan Karagis over Kaz Hayashi & James Yun (Helms pins Kaz), Dean Malenko pins Mike Rotunda, Chuck Palumbo def Buff Bagwell, Big Vito  w/ Johnny Stamboli defeats Rey Mysterio Jr w/ Billy Kidman, Eddie Guerrero pins Bobby Duncum Jr, Fit Finlay over Vampiro, Super Calo & Lizmark Jr def El Dandy & Silver King (Lizmark pins Dandy), © Chris Benoit pins Disco Inferno (non-title), Perry Saturn over Devon Storm, Shane Douglas over Chris Adams, Adam Pearce decimates Local Talent, Hulk Hogan pins Scott Steiner (video comes up on screen again shows the date 10/24/99)
October 15th Saturday Night: Nashville, TN

Jim Duggan over Wrath, The Wall pins Jerry Flynn, promo for October 24th on PPV Halloween Havoc, Hugh Morrus over Stevie Ray, Barry Windham pins Chavo Guerrero Jr, Curt Hennig pins Robert Kellum, Lash Leroux def Lizmark Jr, © Chris Benoit pins Fidel Sierra (non-title)
October 17th Monday Nitro: Cincinnati, OH

Promo for October 24th Halloween Havoc on PPV, Dean Malenko over Jim Duggan, Kaz Hayashi def Juventud Guerrera (off a distraction from Shane Helms), © Shane Douglas pins Vampiro (non-title), Harris Brother defeats Super Calo & Lizmark Jr (Ron pins Calo), Billy Kidman pins Big Vito, Booker, T vs Hulk Hogan hyped as #1 Contender Match for the World title, Bobby Eaton beats Alex Wright, Diamond Dallas Page over Mike Enos, Rey Mysterio Jr vs Eddie Guerrero (Draw), Goldberg is back and calling out the mystery man. Goldberg in the ring with is ribs taped and everything he is calling out the mystery man but the mystery man doesn’t come out. Before Goldberg leaves the ring he says Mystery Man Your Next!!!!!!! #1 Contender Match for the World Title: Hulk Hogan over Booker, T via Count-Out (Booker says this proves it’s not just you it’s WCW Management they don’t want me to be champion if they did they wouldn’t make me face you I don’t need this I quit!!!!!!!!)
October 19th Thunder: Auburn Hills, MI

Highlights of Nitro, Shane Helms vs Brad Armstrong (never happens as Juventud attacks Helms before the match starts), Adam Pearce pins Local Talent, Chuck Palumbo over Bobby Blaze, Evan Karagis def Kid Romeo, Rey Mysterio Jr loses to Johnny Stamboli, © Chris Benoit beats Mike Rotunda, Highlights of both Goldberg & Booker, T promo’s from Nitro, The Wall over Brian Knobs, Curt Hennig def Special E, Hugh Morrus vs Big Vito (No-Contest), Barry Windham pins Horace Hogan, Scott Steiner decimates AAA, Eddie Guerrero over Billy Kidman, Kenny Kaos over Bam-Bam Bigelow (upset win), Hulk Hogan pins Diamond Dallas Page (Promo for 10/24/99 and instead of ending at the date it continues to show boots walking on the screen or more like strutting & then the announcers remind us 10/24 is this Sunday who will be returning find out live on PPV)
October 22nd Saturday Night: Cleveland, OH

Announced for the ppv: Kaz Hayashi vs Shane Helms vs Juventud Guerrera for the Cruiserweight title, Goldberg vs Hulk Hogan for the World Title, Chris Benoit vs #1 Contender winner, Bam-Bam Bigelow vs Kenny Kaos, Shane Douglas vs Bobby Eaton for the United States title, Rey Mysterio Jr & Billy Kidman vs Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito (if Rey & Kidman win they get Tag Title shot), Rey Mysterio & Billy Kidman over Disco Inferno & Al Greene, Horace Hogan pins Buff Bagwell, The Wall def Barbarian, Curt Hennig pins Mike Sanders, Mike Rotunda defeats Jim Duggan, Fit Finlay def Devon Storm & Rick Steiner in a Triple Threat Match to determine #1 contender for the TV title (PPV hype to end the show)
October 24th Halloween Havoc: Milwaukee, WI

#1 Contender 6 man Cruiserweight Battle Royal won by: Evan Karagis, Bam-Bam Bigelow def Kenny Kaos, © Shane Douglas over Bobby Eaton (after Adam Pearce came down and caused a distraction) United States Title Match, Rey Mysterio Jr & Billy Kidman defeats Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito (Rey pins Johnny (this means on Nitro Kidman & Rey get a title shot)), © Chris Benoit vs Fit Finlay (time limit draw) for the Television title, the video airs again and at the date flashes up 10/24/99 then we hear WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Ric Flair is back in WCW and the first words he says is it’s great to be back and then he says the disrespect the young punks have been giving the veterans here and I am here to change that and anyone who has a problem with that can fight me because I am ready for a fight WOOOOO!!!, © Kaz Hayashi over Shane Helms & Juventud Guerrera (Kaz pins Juvi) in a Cruiserweight title match, Scott Steiner defeats Special E, World Heavyweight title Match: Goldberg pins Hulk Hogan (Post Match: Goldberg & Hogan shake hands)
October 25th Monday Nitro: Baltimore, Maryland

Highlights of Halloween Havoc from last night, © Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko over Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor (Dean pins Taylor), Eddie Guerrero pins Shane Helms (Eddie shakes hands with Shane post match), Ric Flair comes out; he praises the ppv last night and puts over Goldberg, the Cruiserweight division, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Fit Finlay saying they are the future of WCW. Scott Steiner comes out and says Flair don’t you get it it’s not about you or Hogan or Nash or Goldberg or DDP anymore it’s time for the new generation to take their spot on top starting with him. Out of nowhere Flair gets attacked by Jeff Jarrett who came from the crowd (the announcers and the fans are shocked Jarrett gets take out of the arena by security), Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr pins © Johnny Stamboli & Big Vito (Kidman pins Vito {Vito gets “hurt” in this match}) Tag Team title match, Kaz Hayashi def Perry Saturn, announcers say the main event Scott Steiner vs Opponent chosen by Flair, © Shane Douglas defeats Bam-Bam Bigelow (non-title), Scott Steiner over Diamond Dallas Page (Post Match: Steiner attacks Page, out walks Shane Douglas who joins in the attack making it two on one then Flair comes running out to help show ends in chaos with all 4 men fighting)
October 27th Thunder: Toronto, CA 

Eddie Guerrero defeats © Kaz Hayashi (non-title), Harris Brothers are seen backstage talking with Douglas & Steiner, announcers speculate if they are possibly forming an alliance, Prince Iaukea pins Lizmark Jr, Bret Hart is shown in the stands in a cast the announcers make note of this being the first time he has been on TV since the attack by the Masked Assassin, The Wall defeats Local Talent, Harris Brothers over Norman Smiley & Al Green (Ron pins Norman), Bam-Bam Bigelow def Robert Kellum, Goldberg comes out he thanks Flair for his praise last week but also makes mention to the fact that Bret Hart is in the arena, then moves on to say that it’s been a while since we have seen you Masked Attacker where are you what you lost your edge when you couldn’t hurt me but then you hurt Luger. I said it and I meant it Masked Attacker Your Next!!!!!!!!! Shane Douglas comes out and tells Goldberg he is delusional and that the masked attacker isn’t going to appear when you want him to but when you don’t expect it, Shane adds that he thinks Goldberg is so delusional that Goldberg probably thinks that he could beat Shane. Goldberg accepts. Billy Kidman pins Psychosis, Fit Finlay vs Chris Benoit (Time Limit Draw), Goldberg over Shane Douglas via DQ (Jeff Jarrett jumps the rail again this time he has a guitar and he whacks Goldberg in the head with it, then Steiner & the Harris Brothers come out to not only hold back security but to beat down the champion. Once again the show ends in chaos but this time heels end it on top)
October 30th WCW Saturday Night: Calgary, CA

Highlights of the events that have happened on Nitro & Thunder, Evan Karagis over James Yun, Chuck Palumbo over Bobby Duncum Jr, Adam Pearce come out and gives his reason for costing Bobby Eaton the US title match at the ppv saying Eaton is taking the spot Pearce should have and adds Eaton shouldn’t even be wrestling anymore he should be retired. This brings out Eaton who tells Adam if he wanted a fight all he had to do was ask, Bobby runs down to the ring but then Pearce jumps out the other side of the ring and runs away through the crowd, Buff Bagwell pins Chris Adams, Chavo Guerrero Jr def Alex Wright, The Wall pins Brian Knobs, Lash Leroux defeats Devon Storm
November 1st Monday Nitro: Montreal, CA

Announcers speculate that a new WCW President was named over the weekend and he will be at Thunder this Wednesday & the Main Event is Ric Flair & Goldberg vs Shane Douglas & Scott Steiner, © Kaz Hayashi defeats Psychosis, Horace Hogan pins Jerry Flynn, Johnny Stamboli defeats Brad Armstrong, Silver King pins Prince Iaukea, Bret Hart is seen in the crowd again this time he gets interviewed by Mene Gene about how his recovery is coming along. Bret says it’s coming along pretty good and he will be back in the ring soon. Curt Hennig pins Kenny Kaos, Hulk Hogan is being interviewed by Mene Gene and he says the same thing Flair said last week but he adds that the disrespect stops now and lays down a challenge asking Booker, T to re-join WCW and fight Hogan at Mayhem. Also he will let Booker pick the type of match, he ends the promo by saying “Booker you think your better than me grow a pair and show it.” The Wall vs Hugh Morrus (No-Contest), © Chris Benoit defeats Mike Enos (Television Title Match), Perry Saturn is being interviewed he says that he is tired of being exploited by management, and he will not take it anymore he is looking for a partner he says “because no matter how much management wants me to be alone I am sick of being a Singles Superstar so I am looking for a partner.” Goldberg & Ric Flair over Shane Douglas & Scott Steiner (Goldberg pins Steiner) Post Match: Jarrett jumps the rail again but also the Harris Brothers come to the ring and now it’s a 5 on 2 beat down. DDP, Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko come down to even the score but then the lights go out and when they come up the Heels are down. (Everyone is confused)
November 3rd Thunder: Detroit, MI

Kaz Hayashi def Eddie Guerrero, Fit Finlay over Dean Malenko, Shane Helms & Shannon Moore pin Frank Ott & Allen Jones (Moore pins Ott), Hugh Morrus over The Wall via DQ (Wall puts Morrus through a table with a Choke Slam), Disco Inferno is out he says he is tired of the losing he says the next match he loses he will quit WCW then issues an open challenge to anyone in the back, Disco Inferno over Jim Duggan, Johnny Stamboli defeats Steve Armstrong, Elix Skipper over Villano IV, Rick Steiner def Mike Rotunda, Horace Hogan pins Bobby Eaton (Horace gets the win off of Pearce distraction), Main Event made Scott Steiner vs Chris Benoit, Here is the New President: Mitchell Russell is in the arena and is getting interviewed by Mene Gene; Gene asks Mitchell is he has any changes to the WCW that we haven’t already seen, President says no but instead says WCW was dying and now I am here to help bring it back to life and will do exactly that. My first order of business is signing Jeff Jarrett to a contract; also make the match at Mayhem Ric Flair vs Jeff Jarrett. Finally I am in contract talks with Booker, T to get him back with WCW. Bam-Bam Bigelow pins Stevie Ray, Scott Steiner def Chris Benoit
November 6th Saturday Night: Columbus, OH

Bobby Blaze pins El Dandy, highlights of the promo from the new president, Chavo Guerrero Jr def Super Calo, Chuck Palumbo pins Kanyon, Rick Cornell defeats Mike Rotunda, © Shane Douglas & Adam Pearce over Bobby Eaton & Chris Adams (Douglas pins Eaton), Kid Romeo def Local Talent, © Chris Benoit defeats Barry Windham
November 8th Monday Nitro: Boston, MA

Announced for tonight: Cruiserweight title match- © Kaz Hayashi vs Eddie Guerrero, Jeff Jarrett vs Dean Malenko, The Wall vs Hugh Morrus in a No DQ match, & Words from Booker, T regarding fight Hogan at Mayhem. Curt Hennig defeats Elix Skipper, Harris Brothers defeat Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos (Don pins Enos), No DQ Match: The Wall over Hugh Morrus (Post Match: Morrus attacks The Wall gets him on a table and moon-saults through it), Disco Inferno defeats Buddy Lee Parker, Diamond Dallas Page pins Horace Hogan, Juventud Guerrera over Villano V, Jeff Jarrett def Dean Malenko, Scott Steiner vs Chris Benoit for the Television Title is made for Thunder, Eddie Guerrero over Kaz Hayashi via Count-Out in a Cruiserweight title match (Shane Helms ran out and took the Cruiserweight title which made Kaz chase after him), Norman Smiley defeats Scotty Riggs, The Announcers call Booker, T on the phone to ask him if the President is negotiating with him to return and how it is going, also Hogan’s challenge. Booker answers them by saying yes the new president is trying to get me back in WCW, it’s going good because Mitchell realizes how important I am to WCW. He finishes by telling us that he will fight Hogan but on his terms not Hogan’s. Evan Karagis defeats Elix Skipper, Chris Benoit w/ Ric Flair defeats Shane Douglas
November 10th Thunder: Providence, RI

© Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr defeats Villano IV & Villano V (Mysterio Jr pins Villano IV), Main Event announced Jeff Jarrett, & Harris Brothers vs Ric Flair, Dean Malenko, & Diamond Dallas Page, Johnny Stamboli def Dave Taylor, Barry Windham & Curt Hennig over Silver King & El Dandy (Windham pins King), Shane Helms is being interviewed about why he stole the Cruiserweight title from Kaz last week. He tells us it’s because at Halloween Havoc he didn’t lose but management says said someone new will be #1 Contender and I thought no I am still #1 Contender because I didn’t lose at the ppv. As they say possession is 9/10th of the law so if they won’t give me a match for the title I thought why not just take it that’s what I did and Kaz, Eddie if either of you want this belt then come try and take it from me. Kid Romeo over La Parka, Hulk Hogan defeats a local talent, Announcers are told that Bret Hart will be returning to Nitro this Monday Night so don’t miss it. Bam-Bam Bigelow over Horace Hogan, Goldberg pins Perry Saturn, Jeff Jarrett, & Harris Brothers vs Ric Flair, Dean Malenko, & DDP (No Contest)
November 13th Saturday Night: Washington, DC

Scott Armstrong pins Bobby Blaze, Bobby Duncum Jr defeats Jim Duggan, Fit Finlay over Kid Romeo, Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos def Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner (Kaos pins Rotunda), The Wall decimates Robert Kellum, Bobby Eaton is out being interviewed about Adam Pearce saying Eaton doesn’t belong in wrestling anymore & that Pearce think Eaton took his spot on the ppv. Well, Bobby says Adam only the wrestler knows when it’s time to quit and even though my time might be coming I still have what it takes to kick your ass any day of the week. Like I said last time if you wanted a fight all you had to do was ask. Lash Leroux pins Bobby Eaton (Eaton got distract by Adam Pearce which lead to the end), Chuck Palumbo defeats Buddy Lee Parker


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