How I Would Book It.......... WCW 1999-2000 part 4

November 15th Monday Nitro: Philadelphia, PA
Disco Inferno defeats AAA, Shannon Moore & Evan Karagis over Perry Saturn & Colt Hero (Karagis pins Hero), announcers hype Bret Hart’s return, La Parka pins Super Calo, Hugh Morrus def Wrath via DQ (The Wall interfered and attacks Hugh Morrus laying him out with a choke slam), Rick Steiner over Mike Rotunda, Shane Helms def Chavo Guerrero Jr (Eddie Guerrero ran down and took the Cruiserweight title), © Chris Benoit vs Scott Steiner (Draw) Television Title Match, Mike Sanders def Scott Putski, Jerry Flynn def Dean Roll, Public Enemy over Mike Enos & Kenny Kaos (Rock pins Kaos), Diamond Dallas Page w/ Dean Malenko defeats Ron Harris w/ Don Harris, Kaz Hayashi pins James Yun, Dean Malenko def © Shane Douglas (non-title), Psychosis defeats Juventud Guerrera, Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett (never starts because Lance Storm jumps the rail and attack Bret Hart from behind) leaving everyone asking what the hell
November 17th Thunder: Roanoke, VI

Promo for Mayhem on November 21st on PPV, we will find out who faces Goldberg on Sunday & if Booker, T will indeed be at Mayhem to face Hogan, Eddie Guerrero & Kaz Hayashi def Shane Helms & Shannon Moore (Guerrero pins Moore when Helms runs off with the Cruiserweight title), Matches announced for Sunday on PPV: The Wall vs Hugh Morrus in a Table Match, Disco Inferno vs Bobby Eaton in a match that if Disco loses he quits, Dean Malenko vs Shane Douglas for United States title, We will also hear from Lance Storm why he attacked Bret Hart and much more. Harris Brothers vs Public Enemy (Double Count-out), (Chris Benoit vs Scott Steiner for the TV title made for the ppv), Hulk Hogan def Stevie Ray, Devon Storm over Adam Pearce (Eaton runs in and distracts Pearce), Johnny Stamboli def Vampiro, Rey Mysterio Jr & Billy Kidman  pins Bam-Bam Bigelow, (it is announced that President Russell has decided the winner of tonight’s Main Event will fight Goldberg for the title at Mayhem), Diamond Dallas Page defeats Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, & Ric Flair (Page faces off with Goldberg as the show ends)
November 20th Saturday Night:
To start the show President Russell makes another two matches official for Sunday: he says those guys like stealing the belt away from each other then this match fit it will be Eddie Guerrero vs Kaz Hayashi vs Shane Helms vs Evan Karagis in a Ladder Match for the Cruiserweight title & officially Goldberg defends the World Title vs Diamond Dallas Page. Evan Karagis def Prince Iaukea, Dean Malenko over a local talent, Bobby Eaton pins Sam Wilson, Brad & Scott Armstrong defeat Allen Jones & Frank Ott (Scott pins Jones), Mike Sanders over La Parka, Chuck Palumbo pins Jerry Flynn, Chavo Guerrero pins Kid Romeo
November 21st WCW Mayhem: Chicago, IL

Dean Malenko defeats © Shane Douglas in a United States title match, Harris Brother over Public Enemy (Don pins Grunge), Lance Storm comes out to address why he attack Bret Hart: he says for years he has watched other companies both WCW & WWF try and mirror what ECW was doing but thought of his sport changing made Bret sick. It should once WWF started to change and the people went against Bret he got pissed and went home. Now it’s the people who are against Bret, it’s the next generation and it’s our time now to take over whether the old men like it or not. “Hitman” be the first to embrace not only the change but the beating you will get if you don’t embrace it by “Canada’s Greatest Athlete” me Lance Storm. Announcers show there disgusted by Storm and ask will we see Booker, T tonight or did he weasel out of another fight well have to wait to find out. © Chris Benoit pins Scott Steiner for the Television Title, The Wall def Hugh Morrus in a Tables Match, Disco Inferno pins Bobby Eaton, It’s time to find out if Booker, T showed up, Hulk Hogan comes out first then Booker, T’s music plays but nothing just as Hogan goes to pick up a mic the lights go out. When they come back on Mike Awesome is standing in the ring with a bloody Hogan on the mat. Then Goldberg runs out to get at Awesome but Mike gets away. Shane Helms over Evan Karagis, Kaz Hayashi, & Eddie Guerrero in a Ladder Match for the Cruiserweight title, announcers talk about Mike Awesome being the mystery attacker and what that means for WCW especially since the New Blood has another member, Jeff Jarrett def Ric Flair (using a foreign object), © Goldberg pins Diamond Dallas Page (Post Match: Douglas, Storm, Jarrett, Harris Brothers & Mike Awesome all hit the ring, Goldberg & DDP fight as best they could but it was just too many. Then the lights go out this time a scorpion is on the big screen the lights are back on for us to find Bret Hart, Kevin Nash & Flair all sneak attack members of the “New Blood” and the PPV ends in chaos.
November 22nd Monday Nitro: Indianapolis, IN

© Dean Malenko over Shane Douglas in United States title re-match, highlights of Mayhem, Adam Pearce vs Bobby Eaton & Jeff Jarrett vs Goldberg is also made for Thunder, © Shane Helms pins Shannon Moore, Eddie Guerrero & Kaz Hayashi def Peter Brock & Frank Addison (Kaz pins Frank), Johnny Stamboli pins Norman Smiley, The “New Blood” comes out they talk about how the fake legends needed to sneak attack because they are weak and need any advantage they can get. Douglas also adds that it was him and Lance Storm that got Mike Awesome to jump ship to the WCW from that waste dump in South Philly. Finally Mike Awesome finishes by saying when the New Blood eliminates the Legends it will be Awesome!!!!!!!! Diamond Dallas Page & Chris Benoit pins Scott Steiner & Don Harris (Page pins Harris), Mike Awesome decimates Local Talents in a Handicap Match, Public Enemy attack the Harris Brother backstage it looks like whatever started with these two teams isn’t done yet. Jeff Jarrett pins Kenny Kaos, Bret Hart defeats Curt Hennig, Ric Flair is being interviewed by Gene and Flair says “Wrestling is my life, the way I chose to make living and nobody can take that from me or anyone else who has chosen the same path. Well a group of misfits have been running around WCW trying to end Wrestlers careers and I will not stand for it. This year at Starcade I am making the challenge the “New Blood” vs the Establishment. If you punks want to be known so bad make yourselves stars in the match I helped make famous, face my team and I at Starcade in War Games!!!!! (The crowd and announcers are shocked and surprised as the show goes off the air)
November 24th Thunder: Portland, MI

Psychosis defeats Super Calo, Adam Pearce pins Bobby Eaton, Scott Steiner def Dave Taylor, Chris Benoit pins Chavo Guerrero Jr, Shane Douglas def Villano IV, Disco Inferno over Brian Knobs, The Wall def Mike Sanders (Post Match: Hugh Morrus comes out an challenges Wall to a match at Starrcade, The Wall accepts), Curt Hennig & Barry Windham over Public Enemy via DQ, highlights of Mayhem, Lance Storm pins a Local Talent, Storm gets a Mic and says that the “New Blood” accepts the challenge for War Games at Starrcade & he adds enjoy the rest of your career while you can because on December 19th 1999 your careers will end inside of War Games. Sting defeats Horace Hogan, Harris Brothers destroy Steve & Scott Armstrong (Ron pins Scott), Eddie Guerrero over Kaz Hayashi & Elix Skipper in a Triple Threat Match (Eddie pins Skipper), Goldberg over Jeff Jarrett (Post Match: Flair walks out to the ring while Goldberg is celebrating and Flair asks Goldberg to be the first to join his team for War Games, then Flair sticks out his hand for Goldberg to shake it and Goldberg does, then they celebrate when end the show knowing Goldberg & Flair are a part of Flair’s Team.)
November 27th Saturday Night: Gainesville, GA
Bobby Blaze def Jerry Flynn, Hugh Morrus pins Sam Wilson, Jim Duggan pins Lash Leroux (Post Match: Lash attacks Duggan and then when Lash leaves he says it’s time for a change), Evan Karagis w/ Spice def Devon Storm, Bam-Bam Bigelow def Scott Putski, © Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr over Alex Wright & Disco Inferno (Rey pins Wright) in a Tag Team Title Match
November 29th Monday Nitro: Charleston, WV

The “New Blood” come down to the ring, Jeff Jarrett grabs a mic and he says on Thunder Lance Storm said we accepted the challenge to fight the “legends” in War Games we do. But something else that happened on Thunder was Goldberg joined Flair’s team to. We’re not afraid if anything its better that Goldberg is in the match to so when we end the career of Ric Flair we can end Goldberg’s career to. Lizmark Jr over Lenny Lane, Johnny Stamboli pins Kanyon, Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos def Johnny Swinger & Barry Horowitz (Enos pins Horowitz), Chuck Palumbo over Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko def Adam Pearce, Main Event Announced: Goldberg & Ric Flair vs Jeff Jarrett & ???, Bam-Bam Bigelow defeats Bret Hart (Lance Storm runs out to distract Bret costing him the match), Barry Windham, Curt Hennig & The Wall over Hugh Morrus & Public Enemy (Wall pins Rock), Kid Romeo pins Chavo Guerrero Jr, Sting pins Scotty Riggs, Jeff Jarrett & Booker, T defeat Goldberg & Ric Flair (Jarrett pins Flair)
December 1st Thunder: Fort Wayne, IN

Super Calo def Psychosis, Brad Armstrong, Prince Iaukea, & El Dandy in a 5 Man Elimination Match, President Russell makes an announcement that this Monday Night a very special Wrestler will be returning to WCW. Billy Kidman pins Alex Wright, Disco Inferno over Chris Adams, Kaz Hayashi defeats Eddie Guerrero, Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor def Dave Burkhead & Adrian Byrd (Taylor pins Byrd), Jeff Jarrett & Lance Storm are out and Storm says the “Legends might want to play games but we don’t right now we will revel who is on our team for War Games. It will be me Lance Storm, Jeff Jarrett, Mike Awesome, Scott Steiner & Shane Douglas vs Does it really matter well win no matter who we fight. Johnny Grunge pins Barry Windham, Harris Brothers def Hugh Morrus & Rocco Rock (Don pins Morrus), Elix Skipper pins Al Greene, Goldberg pins Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash defeats Curt Hennig (After the Match: Goldberg comes out and calls out Mike Awesome saying they have unfinished business to get to. Awesome comes out on stage and tells Goldberg if he wants to fight he’ll have to wait till Starrcade when I take you out. Then Goldberg tells Awesome Your Next!!!!!!
December 4th Saturday Night: Little Rock, AK

Barry Darsow pins Johnny Swinger, Lenny Lane over AAA, Eddie Guerrero def Sonny Siaki, Devon Storm defeats Chad Fortune, Scott Putski wins against Erik Watts, Perry Saturn & Phil Brooks defeat Johnny Attitude & Jamie Howard (Saturn pins Johnny), announcers hype big return that was promised for Nitro, © Shane Helms over Kid Romeo & Chavo Guerrero Jr in a Triple Threat Match for the Cruiserweight title
December 6th Monday Nitro: Little Rock, AK
Silver King defeats Devon Storm, Hype for Starrcade on December 19th; Bret Hart challenges Lance Storm to a match tonight, © Chris Benoit pins Horace Hogan, Johnny “The Bull” Stamboli def Dean Roll, Elix Skipper defeats Brad Armstrong, Mike Awesome decimates 2 Local Talents in a Handicap Match, The Wall defeats Johnny Grunge w/ Rocco Rock, Billy Kidman pins Kaz Hayashi, © Dean Malenko over Hugh Morrus in a United States Title Match, Lash Leroux def Jim Duggan, Return Time: Barry Windham loses to Dustin Rhodes, Super Calo def La Parka, Don Harris w/ Ron Harris pins DDP, Rick Steiner defeats Scotty Riggs, Sting pins David Sierra, Lance Storm is out and he says is Bret Hart and idiot or it must be from breathing in this American Air for too long it’s gotten to his head. Hitman if you want a fight you got it later tonight Canada Greatest Athlete vs Canada’s Biggest Failure. Ric Flair over Vampiro, Goldberg def Stevie Ray, Juventud Guerrera over Prince Iaukea, Bret Hart vs Lance Storm (Time Limit Draw) Post Match: We find out Bret Hart is a part of Ric Flair’s team for War Games
December 8th Thunder: Winston Salem, NC

Matches announced for Starrcade thus far: Hugh Morrus vs The Wall, and War Games: The New Blood vs The Legends (Storm, Jarrett, Douglas, Awesome & Steiner) vs Flair, Goldberg, Hitman, ??, ??. Super Calo pins Lenny Lane, © Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr def Eddie Guerrero & Kaz Hayashi (Rey pins Eddie), Booker, T pins Bobby Eaton, Evan Karagis w/ Spice over Alex Wright, Main Event announced: Dean Malenko & Chris Benoit vs Harris Brothers, Lance Storm pins Norman Smiley, Diamond Dallas Page defeats Jeremy Lopez, Dave Taylor & Fit Finlay def Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos (Finlay pins Enos), Mike Awesome comes out and says he Retired Hulk Hogan & when War Games is finally here will do the same to the World Champion Bill Goldberg, Disco Inferno over Chuck Palumbo via DQ, Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko over Harris Brothers (Benoit pins Ron)
December 11th Saturday Night: Winston Salem, NC

Bam-Bam Bigelow pins Bobby Duncum Jr, Barry Windham & Curt Hennig over Public Enemy (Hennig pins Rock), © Shane Helms pins Elix Skipper in Cruiserweight title Match, Fit Finlay def Allen Jones, Perry Saturn & Phil Brooks over Chad Fortune & Johnny Swinger (Saturn pins Swinger), Rey Mysterio Jr w/ Billy Kidman over James Yun, Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Kid Romeo (Draw), Jeff Jarrett pins Adrian Byrd
December 13th Monday Nitro: Birmingham, AL

Hype for Starrcade, © Chris Benoit over The Wall in a Television Title Match, Super Calo def Silver King, Disco Inferno is being interviewed and he says “Since I have won every match I have been in since I said the next match I lost I would leave WCW I believe it’s time for me to challenge for a championship. So I challenge any WCW Champion to a match right now and if I win I want a title shot at Starrcade.” Dean Malenko answers the call and accepts the challenge. Disco Inferno defeats Dean Malenko (Booker, T runs out to offer a distraction and allow Disco to win), Perry Saturn w/ Phil Brooks pins Rey Mysterio Jr w/ Billy Kidman, Prince Iaukea def Buff Bagwell, Main Event: Sting vs Shaen Douglas, Diamond Dallas Page pins Horace Hogan, Harris Brothers def Brian Knobs & Hugh Morrus (Don pins Knobs), Ric Flair over Scott Steiner (Post Match: Flair has a face-off with Shane Douglas), Jeff Jarrett over Goldberg (Mike Awesome distracts Goldberg allowing Jarrett to win), Sting over Shane Douglas  
December 15th Thunder: Huntsville, AL
promo for Starrcade, Evan Karagis w/ Spice over Mike Sanders, Johnny Stamboli pins Vampiro (Post Match: Johnny grabs a mic and says that since he has dropped the dead weight that was his old partner he has been unstoppable & is unbeaten therefore I challenge Chris Benoit to a match for the TV title on Sunday.), Adam Pearce pins Barry Darsow, Stevie Ray def Mike Rotunda, #1 Contender for Tag Team Titles: Barry Windham & Curt Hennig over Perry Saturn & Phil Brooks (Windham pins Brooks), Chuck Palumbo pins Rick Cornell, Dustin Rhodes over Lenny Lane, Main Event announced: Chris Benoit & Bret Hart vs Lance Storm & Mike Awesome, hype for the PPV & first Nitro of the New Year at the Georgia Dome, Jerry Flynn over Hugh Morrus, Mike Enos w/ Kenny Kaos pins Dave Taylor w/ Fit Finlay, Eddie Guerrero comes out, he challenges Kaz Hayashi to match at Starrcade saying there never was a winner between them, & Hayashi comes out to shake Eddie’s hand. Dean Malenko pins Bobby Blaze, Lance Storm & Mike Awesome defeats Chris Benoit & Bret Hart (Storm pins Benoit) Post Match: Flair is at the top of the stage and tells the New Blood members who Flair’s final two teammates are: Kevin Nash & Sting who also come out and join him on the stage.
December 18th Saturday Night: Huntsville, AL

Chavo Guerrero Jr over Kid Romeo, Lizmark Jr over Brad Armstrong, Norman Smiley def Lash Leroux, Barry Horowitz pins David Sierra, Mark Jindrak defeats Emery Hale, Dustin Rhodes pins Erik Watts, Juventud Guerrera over Johnny Swinger, announcers Hype War Games, Chase Tatum pins Bull Payne, Steve & Scott Armstrong over Nick Dinsmore & Mike Sullivan (Scott pins Nick), Bam-Bam Bigelow def Al Green
December 19th Starrcade 1999: Washington, DC

#1 Contender for the Cruiserweight title: Super Calo pins Evan Karagis w/ Spice, Television Title Match: © Chris Benoit pins Johnny Stamboli, Falls Count Anywhere Match: Hugh Morrus over The Wall, Booker, T comes out and says that this is exactly what he was talking about the “Legends” holding him down he deserves to have a match on the biggest show of the year, President Russell comes out and says he agrees with Booker and says he has a special surprise for him tonight but he will have wait to find out what the surprise is. Tag Team Title Match: © Rey Mysterio Jr & Billy Kidman def Barry Windham & Curt Hennig via DQ, Kaz Hayashi over Eddie Guerrero, Career vs US Title Match: © Dean Malenko defeats Disco Inferno (Disco must leave WCW), announcers Hype War Games, Returning Lex Luger over Booker, T, War Games: New Blood over WCW Legends (Douglas pins Flair), End of the match came when David Flair, Ric’s son jumped the rail and distracted his dad who though David got fired.

In Case you want to start from the beginning:


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