Double Standarded: WWE Still

I have said it before and will continue say that WWE has a Double Standard for the top tier talent compared to the Mid & Low Card guys. We saw last year when Bourne got suspended but they weren't suspending Truth because he was in the Main Event. We saw it at the beginning of the year with the reason behind Alex Riley's push stopping suddenly. Also who could forget over summer when the big stuff was happening when the Mid-card was fed up with the Double Standard but did nothing. Now former WWE star Gabe Tuft is taking to twitter and enlightening us and another showing of a Double Standard in WWE. Before I start I have made my opinion known on many occasions about this person so this should be shock to anyone. Also, I will say this now Gabe isn't bitter he has no reason to be he left WWE on his own accord and now he is telling the truth. Anyone who is to delusional to see that, well that's fine but well ignorance is sometimes too hard to change. Here we go:

I have even went on twitter to see if it was real and I found the tweets they were tweeted from Gabe’s personal account earlier today. The first tweet reads “Anyone want to know what top guy forced me to stop using the burning hammer (Reks finisher when he first came up) even after it appeared on SD/Raw and PPV’s?” Now in the first post he didn’t mention Cena by name but in the second post he does. “1st house show loop, Cena asks pulls me aside, degrades me like I’m 10 & tells me if it again (the Burning Hammer) I’d be fired.” There last time I check only one person chooses who gets fired and isn’t a Fruity Pebble from West Newberry. Continuation of last post “he yelled at me & said who gave you permission to use that? Apparently he hadn’t been watching the product for the last 8 months.” What gives Cena the right to do this oh just because he is Vince’s Golden Boy? That means Nothing!! And it makes me sick thinking a wrestler could have that much just because makes them money.

Let’s keep going, first I want you to think about the past around the end of 2011 specifically Awesome Truth’s storyline. Well he is what Gabe said next “or perhaps how he stole our idea to get fired, (I am guessing him and Hawkins) use social media to get over, & run in from the crowd.” (Given to Miz & Truth) also became the reason why Truth didn’t get suspended until the Story ended. Next “I still have the promo DVD for our idea was burned onto when Cena supposedly helped us with the idea then lied & said it wasn’t stolen later.”

I don’t care how much money Cena or any top guy has made WWE they have no right to have a double standard in anyway within their company. Also once again no matter how much money any wrestler makes a promoter he should never have the right to decide who gets fired or not. It’s when you think about because it was like that in the 1990’s with the Kilq; Vince learned the wrestler can’t own it he has to. Cena & any other top guy no matter if they how much money they made, or how arenas they have sold out for the company they don’t have the right to treat anyone in the company as Subservient to them. I think they only reason this is allowed is because of the lack of Roster depth in WWE in this time. This may show inexperience but I believe even though many promoters don’t see it this way still I think even wrestling nobody not even your top guy gets special treatment. Because, Double Standards hurt the morale of the Locker Room you don’t believe me ask any WCW Alumni.  

Links to the Past Double Standard: (this is no way design to get more views they are related to this topic)  (for the new viewers)


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